Chapter 12

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3.00 am

Jeongin suddenly opened his eyes wide and sit up. "Why am I sweating?" He wipes his sweats and spacing out. 'What was that dream about? Why do I feel that I need to take it seriously?'

He looked at Hyunjin who is still sleeping like a baby. He put away Hyunjin's hands that wrapped around his waist. The youngest get up and walk to the kitchen.

When he reached living room, he saw the kitchen's light is still on. 'I thought all people are sleeping' he talked to himself. He heard a pretty noisy sound like a sound of metals.

When Jeongin slowly approaching the kitchen, he saw a man wear a black outfit looking into their cabinet. The maknae had time to reach a knife. "Who are you?!" He yelled, not that loud so he didn't wake anyone.

"Hey Jeongin put that down!" The man in black whispered yelled. "Chan hyung? Why are you here at 3 am?" "Why are YOU here?" "I'm thirsty. How about you?"

"As usual I can't sleep. I want to stay with Felix in our room but suddenly I feel hungry" Jeongin nodded and get a glass of water. "Do you have a nightmare? Usually you're hard to wake up?" Chan asked.

Jeongin sit opposite of Chan. "It's not a nightmare actually but I don't know it just feel like it" Jeongin said. "Maybe you're just too tired at school and it mess up with your mind" Chan said.

"I need to go back to sleep now. I have classes tomorrow. I hope you can sleep soon hyung" Jeongin washed his glass and walked back upstairs. He slowly opened the door so he won't wake his boyfriend up.

When he got inside, Hyunjin's is already sitting right there. "Where were you baby? I'm cold you know" The older pouted. "I'm just thirsty so I went to drink a glass of water" Jeongin layed on their bed.

Hyunjin pouted again and looks at the younger. Jeongin giggles and pecked his boyfriend. "There. Happy?" Hyunjin smiled. "Yes I am" Hyunjin wrapper his hands on Jeongin's waist and snuggles his face on the younger neck.

"Let's go back to sleep" "Yeah" Jeongin played with Hyunjin's long hair and wait for the other to sleep first. He put his face on Hyunjin's head on started dozing off too.

8.30 am

They all sit at the dining table, waiting for Chan and Felix so they can start eating their breakfasts. They saw a pouting Felix walking or should I say stomping downstairs.

Chan walking behind slowly. "Baby please. It's not like I don't want to sleep" Chan explained to the younger. "I know that you have sleeping problems. You should rest but instead you keep on working!"

"Then what should I do?! Waste my time?!" "I TOLD YOU TO REST! IT'S THAT WASTING YOUR TIME WHEN IT'S FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH?!" Felix outburst.

"I think you guys should just eat and Hyunjin will send you guys to college. Let Chan and Felix settle their problems on their own" Minho told them.

After they eat, they bid goodbyes to each other except for Chanlix. Minho kissed Seungmin's forehead. "Be a good boy at college okay?" The younger nodded and smiled.

Changbin pecked Jisung's cheek. "Make sure to always be with Seungmin and Jeongin okay? And don't let anybody touch you. I don't want your pretty face is full with bruises"

Jisung blushed and pecked Changbin's lips. "Bye bye master" He looks down and walked to the garage with Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin.

Minho and Changbin looks at them for the last time. They looked at each other before glancing at Chan and Felix. "Let's go somewhere Changbin so we won't bother them" Minho said to the shorter.

Changbin nodded and walked away with Minho. "I feels like I wanna go to a pet

tore" Minho joked. "Yeah let's go there"
Changbin playing along with it.

Meanwhile, Chan and Felix is still in their awkward situation. "I need to go to my college" Felix walked away from him. 'How should I go to college? Hyunjin and the others already left. Minho and Changbin hyung aren't here' Felix think.

He feels his back being pulled to a chest. "Please kitten I'm sorry. You're right but I can't rest without you. You don't have to go to your college today. Please stay with me" Chan begged.

Felix turned around so he can looks at Chan's face. "Hey baby it's okay. I'm mad at you because you didn't take your health seriously. You need to stay healthy so you can live with me for years" Felix caressed his cheeks.

"It's just too hard to not do anything when you're free" Chan sobbed. "How about we go for a walk before we sleep tonight? It'll make you tired enough to sleep"

"You're the best baby" Chan kissed Felix's lips. Their lips moved and matched perfectly with each other. "It's been a long time since we kissed like that" Chan whispered.

Suddenly the door opened reveals Hyunjin right there. "Oh is it a wrong timing? You guys can continue" Hyunjin walked out and walked back in. "Where are Minho and Changbin hyung?"

"They went out. Call them if you want to know where did they went to. Now shoo" Chan 'drive away' Hyunjin. Hyunjin give them a disgusted face and walked again but this time he didn't walked in.

3.15 pm

"We're home!" Jeongin yelled. He saw a box that looks like a cage to him. "Umm Changbin hyung what is this?" He asked a person that closest to him. "Go asked Minho hyung" Changbin told him.

"Dwaddy Minnie hwome!" "Hey baby!" He hugged Seungmin and kissed both of his cheeks. "Dwaddy happy today?" "Yes I am!" Seungmin stared at the cage.

"What is thwat dwaddy?" "Go look at it yourself" Seungmin nodded and sat down in front of the cage. He hesitated to open it but he wants to be a brave boy for his caregiver.

He opened the cage and saw three cats walking out. "Kitties!" He yelled excitedly and clapped his hands. "Minnie wike pets!" "They're cute just like you" Minho kissed his head.

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