Lonely and cold

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The pain of being alone
Is not being alone
But remembering you once had someone
Who meant the world to you

After loosing love Well Hiroshi became lost apparently

"heyy ....Roshi ....(deep sigh ) are you drinking again .....you used to be a great warrior you know "

"hehehehe ....ahhh .....Monrel you came ...this wine is really fresh and sweet wanna try ?"
stretching the bottle of liquor over to him

(sigh again ..) " I really dont have time for this ...( staring at the bottle angrily  ....) " LOTORA !! "

At once a light emanated from his eyes smashing the bottle to pieces


Another voice from behind said running over to them and standing in between Roshi and Monrel

" Captain !!! " Monrel said surprised

" Monrel you know magic without
reason of defense is not allowed " Haru said rather calmly

(in a whisper ) Captain why do you keep protecting him even though am right here ??"

(hearing what he said but choosing to ignore him ) " you need to stop acting childish ........Haroshi was once and always will be the Great General of Hagak kingdom a little respect won't hurt ....(looking over to Roshi who hasn't moved a muscle ) Roshi are you okay ???"

Monrel stood there his face to the ground he kept folding his fists

"Captain .....I'll leave now please dont forget to relay the message to him ( getting on his horse )  I wonder ...I wonder when you will see me ...Haru "

with these words he rode off not looking back or delaying for a second

(am sorry Monrel ). ....Haru said to himself ad he watched him ride away then he faced back to wards Roshi

" Hey Rosh ...talk to me ..are you okay ?  Did he hurt you ? "

"are you a fool !!!!!!" Roshi finally spoke up as he slowly got up

"Roshi I ....I ...its ..."
Haru tried to
explain himself seeking a way to make the atmosphere better he knew better than anyone what Roshi was going through and he knew what he was doing as a way of sympathizing was foolish but yet he still did it and most of all he knew there was no fixing what just happened

"what message do you have for me ...Captain Haru !"

Haru's eyes widened ....it hurt so much to be called captain by Roshi he looked at Roshi for sometime then looked away as he started walking to his horse as well climbing on to it and holding the reins

" The council of elders seeks your attention tomorrow  before noon ...you cannot refuge " ( yanking on the horse as it got into the stance to run .....) " it was good to see you ...General Hiroshi

( saluting him ) he rode off gritting his teeth
Hiroshi stood there for some time before smirking a little ...

" that's right Haru your captain now.  ...act like one !" .....(looking around himself ...) " ohh ..this is really a mess I need to head home ....I wonder what those old geezers want now ..oh well ( walking towards the east ) dosnt matter without Aiko I have no purpose and won't take any one up ...EVER !"

The city of Hagak is huge there are 6 towns including the center but most of its population live within the large city center  but after the war Hiroshi secluded himself in the deep part of its forest his little home and his peace was all he had with and was all he wanted
as soon as he got home on stepping inside

"Am home ....."

in a normal Japanese home a "welcome back " would have followed but there was nothing but dead silence
(smiling to himself as he walked in and shut the doors ) he walked to what seemed like the first room sat on the chair and opened a bottle of liquor chugging down a cup he whispered to himself ...

"Welcome home "

as he bent his head and wept

as he bent his head and wept

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