I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

"Oh Hazel," I turned to look at him once more to see him grinning,"It is a lot of training."

~~End of Flashback~~

At that moment I truly had no idea just how much training it was. At first I was a weak little wolf that had seriously no muscle, but as I kept training and training I turned into a little bad ass. I trained everyday for a year for four hours each and every day.

It has been 2 years since I started training and I am now 18 and have been a protector since I turned 17. Training is still a part of my everyday routine, although not as long and tough. I only train for about 2 hours, sometimes more.

"Hazel, come back now." I heard Jett say, cutting me out of my thoughts.

I turned back around and ran full force to the training center. Wanting to test myself one last time for the day.

Once I met the cut grass of the training centers lawn, I stopped at my tree to change. I call it my tree because it is where I always ditch my clothes before changing into a wolf. No one dares use it, it's mine.

I made sure no one was around and when I knew for sure that the coast was clear, I changed back into a human. Although I have done this a million times I was never comfortable in people seeing me naked.

I picked up my black bra and panties and slid them on quickly. One of the benefits of being a protector was achieving a great body, not only as a wolf but as a human too. I had definition in my arms, legs, and stomach. I had never been the "best bodied" girl, so I was proud of my body.

I picked up my biker shorts and threw them on then pulled my no sleeved t-shirt over my head, and headed toward the building.

I spotted the shaggier brown haired guy sitting in a lawn chair instantly.

"Jett!" I yelled, causing to turn his head toward me

"Hazel!" He yelled back

"So I am running my butt off and you are commanding me to run harder. And what are you doing? Sitting on a lawn chair." I said with mock anger, after I had made my way to him and sat on the lawn chair next to his.

"Hey! I'm the trainer, remember? You're suppose to do what I say." He looked at me like it was the most obvious thing.

"Why did you even become a trainer, not that you're a bad one, but you're only 23." I asked him curiously since we had been protectors together, but he recently became a trainer.

"Because I wanted too." Jett replied with a high pitched voice, "Aside from that horrible voice I just did, it's true. I really did want too." He stated.

"Ahh I see. So I guess that old saying is true. Those who can't do, teach." I said with innocence.

"Har har, did you know that you're hilarious Hazel?" Jett sarcastically joked.

"I have never been sure if I was truly hilarious or not. But you saying that really shows just how funny I am. So thank you." I said matching his sarcasm

He just gave me a fake grin in reply before he closed his eyes and laid his head on the back of the chair. A moment passed in silence before I stood up and headed toward the pack house.

"Hazel!" I jumped at the sudden sound and turned to see Bella jogging toward me waving frantically.

"Hey Bella! Jeez you almost gave me a heart attack!" I choked out, clutching at my heart.

"What a baby! I can't believe you got so scared," she burst out laughing," of something so small as to me calling your name!" By this time she shed a tear due to her laughing so hard.

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