“Magnus then told us that there was a rogue in our group. A rogue wolf that wasn’t meant to walk on this land without notifying the alpha. We all just thought they were insane. And then I saw Cain. His blonde curls were longer then, down his neck and around his face. He looked kind of like a modern day prince. I thought he was unbelievably attractive. His eyes were sharp and blue—you know what blue I mean—and they met mine with harshness…at first. In a moment they went soft. His eyes trailed over me with an expression I’d never seen before. It was like…it was like he was already in love with me, and we hadn’t even really met yet. He turned to Magnus and Chase and I assume he explained it to them. That I was said rogue, and I was his mate. I felt a pang of love for him as well, I thought it was just attraction or something—I had no idea what it really was. Magnus explained the whole situation with ease, though he sounded completely insane. My parents, again, told him to get lost and we went on our way. Unfortunately it was only two nights later that I turned. It was so painful, my family had no idea what was wrong with me. I was wailing and I couldn’t sit still. I’d never seen my parents so…so hateful. Once they saw me they wanted nothing to do with me. They turned their backs on me. I backtracked, looking for Magnus and Cain. Once I found them they took me in and I’ve done everything since to learn all I can about this curse.”

            “Curse?” I asked.

            “Well that’s what it is,” she replied. “A witch cursed a group of townsmen before she was burned at the stake. It actually happened here. There were five of them.” Kelly opened the doors to the library and led me to a large oil painting. It was of five men circled around a witch who was tied to wood, a fire stirring under her. “There are five original wolves. Their families are still around today—luckily the families are very spread out and have others stemmed from them—it is very complex. Especially since we have the power to turn others. Anyway, she cursed them to be ‘forever victims of the moon’s power’ and they would ‘turn into ferocious ugly beasts with each moonrise’ as would their lineage. Any descendant of their family would undoubtedly turn into a werewolf, whether they wanted to or not. The whole mate thing originated here.” She pointed to a large painting of those same five men kneeling to what looked like an angel. “That woman was also a witch—though most will call her a Goddess. She felt sorrow for the men, but also anger toward their quest to end witches. She made a deal with them. As long as they let her live out her days she would grant them love. One true love for all their lives. This would be apparent for all wolves. The men agreed. They kept her safe until she died. They even buried her—but no one knows where. Some believe that she is the key to the cure. If we find her and use her remains in some kind of potion-like thing we can fix this. I don’t actually agree with that, but whatever. They’ll probably never find her.” Kelly turned to me then. “Anything else you’d like to know?”

            I smiled. “What were the family names?”

            Her eyes lit up. “Aurum, Lumen, Fortis, Potentia, and Nox. The Matthews family stems from the Nox origins.”

            “Thanks, Kelly. You’ve been a big help. I’m going to just look around for a bit, is that okay?”

            “Of course, make yourself at home. I’ll be in the kitchen if you need me. Liza needs help with dinner tonight. Hope you find what you’re looking for.”

            I waved at her as she exited the room. Truthfully I’d learned plenty from Kelly herself. I just wanted to spend a bit of time reading about these things on my own.


Okay! I finally updated! I realized that I hadn't given as much background as I probably should have so here it is. I'm considering writing a little short thing for Kelly's backstory (would you be interested in that?). I thought Kelly would be good to give the origins since she isn't featured as much and she's the one who has all the little facts (like Nicole's family stuff) so... yeah

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I hope to put up more soon. I'm working slowly on this because I've had bad writer's block but I am doing my best to stay on it. I really do want to keep going with this book.

Thanks so much for reading, it means a lot.


PS I made a little Matthew's family tree thing (let me know if it isn't coming up): http://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=3inr6amj3q&f=978748739997030547

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