Saturday, February 2nd.

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to the party 2night?"

"Who is it?" Hero asked.

"It's Cole" 

"Yeah, you coming?"

"Megan invited me. None of my friends from art class are coming and I just hoped I had someone I knew"

"Sure, I'll keep you company :)"

"Why are you smiling? What is the douche saying?" Hero asked rolling his eyes.

"He asked if I'm going to the party"

"Ohh another thing about the party. No hanging out with Cole. You guys are together too much. People are going to get suspicious."

"Of course I'm going to hang out with him. And besides Megan invited him, I don't think he'll be very free"

Hero's eyes widened.

"Megan? Megan invited him? Are you fucking kidding me? So now I'm going to lose you and Megan to sad pretty boy that has no personality whatsoever?"

I eyed him up and down.

"Hero" I said softly. "Are you jealous Cole is going to steal Megan from you?"

"Of course not!"

I didn't believe him.

"Aww, you poor baby. You are insecure."

"Shut up, Jo" he actually seemed pissed.

"Come on. You are actually jealous of Cole?" I laughed. "Where did all the confidence go? And besides Megan is definitely not Cole's type. You don't have to worry about it"

"Yeah, but you are" I heard him mutter something like that but I ignored him.

"If you ditch me for Cole at the pary, you are dead meat, miss" he glared at me.

"Hero, I have a crush on him. Of course I'm going to find every excuse to hang out with him"

"Yeah, but it makes me look bad. We are supposed to be together. It was already bad when you kissed him for the play. Everybody thought you cheated on me. There was even a rumor that I had an illness and couldn't get turned on because of that"

"Seriously?" I started laughing.

"Don't laugh, it's serious. And besides, you gave your first kiss to him. Remember when I tried to kiss you in front of Megan and you said you didn't want your first kiss to be fake? What the hell happened after that? You went ahead and kissed Cole for a goddamn fake school play!"

"Why are you acting like this? I like Cole and-"

"Right. You would never possibly dream of kissing someone like me"


"We need to make it more believable. That's all I care about. " he said firmly.

I looked away thinking about it. Why was he so angry all of a sudden?

"I can sit on your lap or something" I suggested.

He looked at me. "And I'll whisper things in your ear"


"Kissing?" he asked.

I shook my head. 

"Fine. But no kissing other people either"

"Tell that to yourself mister. You think I don't see how you look at Megan all the time. It's like you want to fucking devour her" I told him teasingly.

Dear Diary, I love him.Where stories live. Discover now