Saturday, January 19th.

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Dear Diary,

okay where was I?

Oh yeah the auditions.

It took a lot of time until my turn which made my nerves go crazy.

When it was finally my time, I walked up to the stage with as much confidence as I could.

"I would like to audition for the role of Thetis" I said.

Our drama teacher looked at me suspiciously.

"Hmm, a goddess. You think you can handle that?"

"I've been practicing" I said.

"Girl, if you don't have it in you, practice does nothing. Now show me what you got" 

I delivered my lines without forgetting anything, thank God. 

"Good" Ms. Smith said. "But where is the fire girl?"

"Uhmm..." I trailed. "Thetis is a goddess, but not the protagonist. I don't want to-"

"In that case the protagonist is Peleus, your damn husband. So of course you have to take the spotlight off him"

"Ex husband" I corrected silently.

"They get back together at the very end of the play. Thetis comes at the end of the play to solve all his problems, take his misery and then she takes him back. Yay, happy ending"

"Isn't this supposed to be a tragedy?"

"Men aint shit so this is already a tragedy"


"You need a partener. The ending scene is very romantic between the couple" then she looked around. "Who here is willing to help Josephine, darling, with her audition"

For some reason my eyes immediately fell on Hero. He was sitting in the audience for a long time now, probably waiting for his turn to audition. He was looking down and suddenly up at me.

He smirked when he saw me looking back and a meschevious expression appeared on his face.

I saw him slowly raising his hand.

Don't you dare.

He chuckled at himself as he was about to vollunteer.

Put that hand back down before I shove it up your a-

"I will"

But it wasn't Hero's voice. The voice had come from the back of the theatre and every single heard turn to look at the person.

Holy fuck. Is that-

"Cole?" I exclaimed.

I have talked to you about him my dearest diary.

Cole. My crush of a couple years now. We shared the same art class and then he changed schools so I never got to tell him how I felt.

And now he was back?

He hasn't changed that much since the last time I saw him. He still had that messy brown hair, chocolate eyes that were hidden behind his cute glasses. Always charming, the one and only. 

"I'd like to audition for the role of Peleus anyway"

"Great" Ms Smith said.

Cole went up the stage next to me and I couldn't help but look at him with my mouth agape.

"You're back" I whispered.

He smiled and I almost melted. "Hey" 

We started performing our lines. 

Dear Diary, I love him.Where stories live. Discover now