One too many questions.

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"Remind me why I agreed to come here today?" Legs crossed over, the prude sat with judgmental analytic eyes

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"Remind me why I agreed to come here today?" Legs crossed over, the prude sat with judgmental analytic eyes. Ryuji sat with his hand supporting his head as he tried his best to ignore the panting coming from the pro hero besides him. The third year sat in a room with Hound dog, Gang Orca, Nezu, All might,  The chief of the police, and Aizawa. The tapping of his left hand on his thigh was symbolic of his impatient attitude.

"Now now Ryu lets try to relax," Nezu blew lightly on the boiling hot tea in his cup before taking a small sip. "I agree, lets get this meeting on with," Gang Orca who sat across from Ryuji shifted in his seat, trying to adjust in the much smaller chair. The chief on police cleared his throat before speaking up. "I've asked you all here because there's been another attack. The killer, Dark Blade, has striked again. I think its time to come to the public about this. They've become too dangerous and are beginning to attack more then ever before. WOOF." Allmight visibly stiffened. "Allmight you disagree?" Gang Orca questioned, seemingly taking notice of Allmights uncomfortableness. "I just don't think it'll do any good. We don't have nearly enough important information give them. It'll make them  doubt us, without the ideal of heroes always being there, coming to save them, they will have more to fear."  Ryuji hummed, interested peaked. He changed his eyesight from his freshly painted clear coated nails to All might. Staring at him with his unreadable iced blue eyes.

"So which is more important. Them actually being safe, or them feeling like they're safe?"

"Well, I must agree with Ryuji when its put like that, " Nezu spoke taking another sip from his cup of herbal tea.

Ryuji smirked, showing off his pearly white teeth, his fangs on display. "Oh don't get me wrong Nezu, I actually agree with All might. When the people feel like no one can be trusted, well that's when they're truly unsafe." Aizawa, who had been quietly dozed off in the corner of the room finally spoke up. His tired dried eyes staring at the Ryuuji who in return stared right back. "In theory yes, but rather than heroes popularity the people come first." This made Ryuji frown. "Then what will we do?"  Allmight asked the chief- who sighed before standing from his seat and making his way to the door. "Lets wait some more, ill try to get evidence to bring back to you, Ryo, Ryuuji." Dog hound nodded while Ryuji wordlessly stood heading towards the door while everyone followed in pursuit. "I see."

His name, Ryuji Ichinose! His ability is called Lycanthropy and gives him the ability to shift into 7 foot Black coated wolf, it also gives him the ability of one as well! He is a third year at Yuuei High school. He enjoys any type of meat and cold beverages. 

Exiting the conference room after Kenji, The teen felt multiple pairs of eyes on him, naturally he turned to see who it was and saw a familiar blonde with a few other students. He overlooked the whispers between the other students and shared a moment with the blonde before turning away after hearing his name being called.

Bakugou, watched as his rival exited a room with the chief of police, other pro heroes following out the  room behind him. It made him confused, jealous, and angry. To see someone he's known for years to be so far ahead of him, it made Bakugou infuriated. He didn't understand why Ryuji always seemed to be so out of reach. No matter how much Bakugou trained his power, body, and mind he was never able to achieve Ryujis level. It made him wallow in self pity which in return turned into a one sided rivalry between him and Ryuji. 

"Woah Bakubro, that's Ryuji Ichinose! He's looking straight at you, do you know him or something?" Kirishima gushed, out of pure excitement to be in the presence of such a "Manly" being. "No wayy, for real Bakugou?" Mina questioned as well. Denki only stared at Ichinose, too flabbergasted to say anything.

"Of course I know that damn extra he's always around me. Besides me and that dog boy are neighbors." Bakugou fussed, embarrassed to have his group of friends fan over his rival.

"Oh come on Bakugou am I only just a neighbor to you?"

A coy voice asked from cloesly behind Bakugou, making a shiver run up the blondes back. "DAMN EXTRA DONT STAND SO CLOSE!" Lighting up his explosions he turned and saw Ryuji standing behind him with that same expression on his face as they first met. A Mischievous glint flashed through Ryuji's face before turning to the mouth opened group of friends. You would have thought Ryuji was a pro hero by the way they were acting. But then again, if you were training to be a hero, or ever aspired to be one, everyone wanted to be like Ryuji. Since he was young boy he's never been one to back down when called to face danger. He got into Yuuei through recommendation's from All might and Endeavor who taken a liking to the boy. And when Ryuji was a first year he was known for always taking down small time villains on his own. His second year he took down a rising villain by himself which really gave him fame from other students. And during his third years he's been seen fighting along side Pro heroes a lot and for his internship with Hawks.

"WOAH you're Ryuji Ichinose!!" Mina fangirled with a loud thumping heart and big grin on her face. Her face was hot and she was suddenly nervous to be in front of such a role model. She wanted to be seen as cool in front of the older student, in hopes of catching his eye.

"Yeah, that would be me little miss, Call me senpai."

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