Summer | Old Friends

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"They've always accepted him, but Harley and Leo are skeptical of him." You drew your knees in, hugging them tightly.

"Can you blame them? His entire family is working with you know who."

"I'd explain it to you, but you wouldn't get it." You sighed.

Hermione gave you a sympathetic look, Ginny smiling and putting her chin in her hand. She leaned towards  you.

"What do you even see in Malfoy? He's not exactly the nicest guy at Hogwarts."

You thought about it, from when you first met him to now. You thought about all the qualities he had that made you absolutely head over heels for him.

"He understands. When I was younger I was held in seclusion, and the only friends I had were my brothers. If anyone connected the dots between my affiliation with you know who, they'd run from me," You recalled the kids who'd stop playing with you, all because their parents connected the dots. "Millicent and Blaise were my first friends, and Draco soon followed. We both have high expectations crushing us, and we both put on a front. He's not all mean, he's quite sweet to me."

You felt a smile form on your face, you had missed him quite a bit. The last you saw of each other was the few days he spent with your family for the trials.

Hermione snickered, "You are completely in love with him! I can see it as clear as day!"

"We've known that since second year." Ginny teased.

You rolled your eyes, the L word was a strong one, one that you and Draco never talked about. The rest of the day was spent with Ginny and Hermione. You three helped around the house with cleaning, especially because Fred and George were busy testing their products for their joke shop.

Ron was busy as well, but he would talk to you occasionally. He was very awkward after you started officially dating Draco.

Arabella's POV ~

"Your daughter is just like you, you know?" Remus stood beside me, both of us looking out the window.

"Well, I am her mother. Whether or not her being like me is a good thing or not, we won't know yet."

Remus and I had been great friends once, but things changed with the War. He may have been five years younger, but he was the best one out of all the Marauders. Though, years ago Kassandra would've fought me about that statement.

"She's lovely, and quite the student. Has she thought of becoming an Auror or Curse-breaker?"

I rolled my eyes, that was all she's ever talked about since she was a child.

"You can thank her father for that. She may seem like me, but Adrien's influence is there. I am worried about what her attitude could get her into."

Remus put a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, she's great. She's strong and is a strange mix of both of you."

"Remus, you always were a good friend. I have to thank you for taking care of my wife." We turned around, Adrien stood there smiling with Sirius.

The Snakes Princess (Draco Malfoy X OC/Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora