Chapter 17 (Pretty sure its the ladt one)

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"Hand over Marissa, she didn't do anything wrong" K.C. said. "Well, it doesn't matter" Zane said smirking evilly and winking toward Brett.

"I'd do anything to keep Brett safe, I'd sacrifice everything for him..." that's all Zane could here himself saying.

"We are never gonna be the same, no, not after this. So give us what we want and you could end it all K.C. Isn't that what you wanted?" Johnson said with a evil laugh in his voice.

Brett winked at K.C, and that oddly signaled her. "You may not love me more than a friend anymore but I'll stay by your side" Brett whispered to K.C. "I'll be right here"

Unsuspectingly, a spy gun pointed at Johnson and Victor. Brett held the gun, while Zane had the other gun pointing at Johnson. "You think I'd let things go that easy, then think again..."

"O-Okay, Brett listen, shoot K.C," Johnson said. "Too late, you should've seen this coming, I literally told you yesterday. Too dumb to catch a hint?"

"Can't wait for tomorrow..." Brett said. Johnson smiled. "Yeah, we have bug work to do" he responded. "And I hope that all odds are in our favor and the tables will turn for them,"

"Hey Sheena, you got a sword?" Zane said.

"What if they have weapons and try to eliminate us? We need a back up plan,"

Johnson sighed. "You're overthinking it, the real part is in your head"

"You are right. But I'll be prepared," Brett said smiling.
"Want me to pull the trigger? If not you will surrender and have over all weapons, shut down the Skipped Turns, and turn yourselves in," Brett told them.

Sheena pointed the sword at Agent Johnson while Brett grabbed the handcuffs and put them on him before throwing him into the car.

K.C. stood there shocked about what just happened starting to question everything that just went down.

"Brett, Zane, and me decided to help you guys so we had a plan for when it was all gonna go down," Sheena told them.

"Sheena and Zane were both planing this?!" K.C. asked Brett as he stood there.

"After the attack Sheena and I had met up with Zane after taking Marissa which was a big part of the plan, it was still very wrong and I should have told you about it."

"So after kidnapping Marissa they knew you would try to make some sort of deal and that brings us to here," Zane said before walking off.

Brett sighed as he watched his dad walk off knowing he wouldn't see him for a while. "Dad wait-" Brett told him before pulling Zane into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Brett," Zane said hugging him.
3 year time skip.

"Dad come on, let's go! Let's go!" Brett heard his kid yelling back and forth. "Here you gotta wake him up like this..." K.C. said picking up their son, August and sitting him on the side of the bed.

"Now here is this pillow, smack him with it." She told August before watching him follow her instructions.

He sat up out of the bed looking around the bright room and seeing K.C. and August sitting there waiting for him.

"Augie, why did you slap me with a pillow, is it something important?" Brett asked him and looking up to K.C.

"Me and Uncle Ernie made a computer game, he told me how to. Wanna see it?" August said squeaking slightly. "That's awesome! You're already learning so much," Brett responded following August downstairs to see the game that was created.

"I'm still working on it because of the bugs, glitches, and six pings that aren't responding correctly so it's not able to be hacked as easily, but it's really close to being done!"

"Maybe we could play later?" August asked them. "Of course we can, but right now I should start making you breakfast so you don't miss the first day of school."

"Okay, it's only thirty minutes before school starts and we aren't very far so we still kinda have some free time?" He asked them. "You're actually right, in fact we can continue to work on the game?" K.C. asked him.

"Okay Mom."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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