Ch.8 Fall festival

Start from the beginning

Something comfortable and casual, a cozy thin black sweater and pants. He planned to take Puff out today, he remembered hearing about the fall festival. Maybe it will cheer Puff's spirit up a little? This feels think about someone else other than himself. He looked at himself in the mirror, adjusting the fabric on his bones before leaving the bathroom.

Fell and Puff were downstairs together, sitting in silence. Fell was quietly sipping coffee while Puff rests his arms and head on the table. Classic soon trudged downstairs too, holding Fell close and kissing him. Everyone looked like zombies. Tired, half asleep, an Classic looked like he was also suffering from a headache.

Classic gazed over, rubbing his head,"Well look at you, you certainly look better then any of us. I have a headache, Fell is tired and Puff....actually i'm not even sure how Puff is doing. He looks asleep."

"I'm not asleep.", Puff raised his head,"Just tired. I think I need a lot of coffee to wake up. ", he gets up, trudging to the kitchen.

Edge nodded,"Right...well, I had...a bit of a plan today Puff.", he followed,"The fall festival is today and I was thinking about bringing you to see it."

"Oh right, we did kinda talk about it last night huh? Kinda off your doing a nice act...what's the catch?", Puff was still a little suspicious of the other's actions.

"Yeah, yeah, look, I know I'm an asshole and all but we've been stuck together for awhile. I think maybe we should start getting on the right foot.", Edge did feel bad about his actions. Like when he left a large bruise on Puff. It actually makes him guilty when he looks at Puff's cheek. At least its's a little lighter than last time.

"Well...I think it would be nice. We've been through a lot and going to do something fun will be nice. Stars! It will be nice around other people and enjoy something out there. I heard the festival this year will have a lot of music, games and plenty of food.", Puff was much happier now. He smiled, it made Edge a little more relaxed to see Puff get excited.

Classic commented,"Food? I think that's the best thing I'm looking forward to. Funnel cakes, burgers, and hot dogs are the best!"

Fell chuckled,"Of course ya' fat ass would be thinking about food. The second we go you'll be dragging me down looking at food and drinks. We could easily make all that food at home."

"It's not the same! It's not as good as getting it while music plays and people pass by."

Edge snapped at the two,"Both of you shut up! I wouldn't eat ANY trashy festival food. It's literally deep fried food. It's a heart attack waiting to happen!"

"That's a chance I'll be willing to make.", Classic smirked.

"You know what? I'm done talking to you...when does the fall festival start anyways? Afternoon?"

"Well, people can go in the morning about ten and play games but the music doesn't start until noon. That's when the fun usually starts."

Puff grabbed Edge's hands as he bounced a bit,"Oh! Will we stick around to dance, please? The music is always beautiful."

Edge hesitated,"I don't dance. I can't dance even if it was to save my life."

"Perhaps I can show you! It's easy! Just a little twirl here and there and following the beat of the music.", Puff then pulled Edge towards him, shifting his body and twirling the other.

"Hey, hey! Don't do that!", he pulled away. Edge doesn't like to dance. He always felt embarrassed like the world was watching him for a slip up. He never was able to move in rhythm too. The most he could do was nod his head to the rhythm to a song, definitely not full on dance to a rhythm.

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