I sighed, a few tears dropped down onto my legs.

"Are you okay, baby?"

"I need a hug"

His warm touch made me feel better in a lot of ways. But this kind of hurt couldn't be mended with a hug. I lied to him. I led him on for days not thinking properly about how he would feel. I done all this just to lie to him. He wouldn't ever dream of doing the same to me.

"I'm selfish, Tris. He's never lied to me"

"I understand why you done it, Brad. Hell I'm lying to James too! At first nobody could know about us and what we did."

"And they still can't now. You told me to be private"

"I just wanted to make sure we wasn't going to end up in hospital by our so called friends"

"So... you're okay with us being a thing?"

"I just took you out on a date and I didn't care who could of saw us. I wouldn't of cared if Ben saw us. Unfortunately it was your best friend"

"Do you think I'm wrong for doing that to him?"

"You could of told him little things along the way. Like I'm telling James I've had someone staying over, I like them, they are really pretty
Yanno so I wasn't fully lying"

"Oh... that was smart"

"Just give him time, bear. Let him think for a while."

"I'm gonna have to. He won't pick up the phone"

"Come on, I'll make you a hot chocolate and we can watch anything you like"

"I'd like that"

I smile and he lifts me off the bed.

"You're so small"

"Shut up"


He kisses my head and we walk downstairs together. I look through Netflix as he makes the drinks.


We are halfway through watching Funhouse Massacre when the door began to unlock.

Tris sat up, staring worriedly at the door. I clung onto his shirt but it must of been someone he knew because they have a key.

The door opened and a tall man stood there, coat soaking wet from the rain.


Tris exclaims.

"Hiya, son. You alright.  Terrible weather out there I think I ran over a rabbit or something in the dark, fucking hell"

After he hung his coat up he looked at me and looked surprised.

"Oh sorry for the language. I didn't know you had company."

"Did you really kill a rabbit?"

"No... most likely a hedgehog. It was dark every driver has done that at least once!"

"Jesus dad"

"So come on, be a good host and introduce your close friend"

"He-he's not close we're just um-just college friends"

"Is that why you're holding hands?"

His dad smiled and walked over.

"No need to be embarrassed. I've always told him he needs to find someone, nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Uh Bradley"

"Good to meet you, Bradley. Tristan may have told you I'm the crazy dad who keeps the fun alive around here. Say, where's Milly?"

"At kirsty's. Sleepover"

"Ah, okay."

"You're back early? Why?"

"She's got refurbishers coming to do a makeover on her kitchen tomorrow morning so I said I'll be out her way"

"But it's nine at night. You could of came home in the morning"

"I prefer the night. Saves me waking early tomorrow. How you boys been? How long have you stayed here, Brad?"

"He's been here a few days. His car broke down, no way of getting home so I let him crash here"

"I hope you knew each other before hand? You didn't just see a stranger and go 'hey wanna stay at mine'. Be worse if it was and you said yes"

"We've knew each other for ages"

I smiled widely at him.

"And I suppose you two are together then, eh?"

"We are"

"Finally. Congratulations my boy, you can finally lose your virginity"


He laughed and patted Tristans back.

"I'm joking, boys. Take it steady. I'll be upstairs if you need me. Is Millys room tidy?"

"I haven't checked"

"No worries. We'll do a clean around tomorrow"

"Goodnight, dad"


"Goodnight, lovers"

Me and tris went back to cuddling with the blanket over us. He kissed my nose.

"I love you"

I Love You Hating MeWhere stories live. Discover now