The dream

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(Thoughts will be in italics)
Dream Third Person POV:

Izzie was walking through a cemetery. She stops at a gravestone that catches her eye. She saw a boy who looked familiar. A boy with dark hair and glasses, Harry. Harry turned to see Izzie standing there looking down at him. Harry and Izzie snapped there head around to see a snake coming towards them. They turn to each other to see that they are not in the same place as before. They were in a dim hall, Harry turns his head to see a man in front of the door that was wedged open. Izzie continued to stare into the dim hall until she heard a spell she will never forget "Avada Kadabra" She snapped her head back to see a bright green light flash in her and harry's faces.

Izzies POV:

I shot up from my bed to see I am only in my dorm with pansy. i turned my head to my night stand. I looked at the time. I got dressed and woke up Pansy. We walked to the great hall. As Pansy and I walked I felt someone following me. I turn to see Harry following us. "Pansy you keep going I forgot my wand on my bed, save me a seat" I said. Pansy nodded her head she continued walking. I turned around and walked up to Harry. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a dark corner so no one could see us. "What is your problem? Why are you following me?" I ask trying to forget the dream. "Look Izzie I know you saw what I saw.". I look at Harry slightly revealed because he knew and I wasn't dreaming about him. I didn't say anything, I turned and started walking. I felt an arms wrap around my waist as I get pulled into a classroom, Harry looked at me with a scared expression.
"Look Harry... I-" I was interrupted by the door being swung open. I turn to se Hermione Granger.
Hermione's POV
I finished my breakfast and went straight to class. I knew I didn't have time to study. "Bye Ronald" "Bye Hermione" Ron said with his mouth full. I walked down the hall and found Potions. I heard voices and I knew exactly who it came from, Isabella Lestange. I swung open the door. Harry's hand was around her waist. They turn to see me clutching my books. Harry and Isabella stared at me like I was a a flying car in London. I cleared my throat "Um, Isabella I think you need to leave" She shoved Harry off of her. She walked past me and grabbed my arm.
Harry's POV
I stood there in shock as Hermione was dragged out of the class room. I didn't realize that the bell rung until I felt a sting on the side of my head. "Mr.Potter go to your seat" Snap said.
"Yes sir" I said
Izzie's POV
I grabbed Hermione by the arm and pulled her into a class room. She started hitting my hand to make me let go. I pulled her by the lockers.
"Look Granger, I don't know what you thought you saw but I swear to god if to tell anyone I will hex you and STOP calling me Isabella just call me Izzie" I whisper to her.
"I wasn't going to say anything" she says
"Sure you weren't" I said. I turned around and started to walk away. I heard Hermione mumble something and then sniffles. I turned back around to face her.
"Granger..." I said confused
"I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Are you okay"
"Does it look like I am okay?" She asked in a sarcastic voice
"Then no" she says as she grabs her books and heads to potions.
Hermione's POV
"Sure you weren't" Izzie says. She turns around and starts to walk way.
"Why can't you like me back" I mumble and start to cry.
"Granger..." She says
"Why is she doing this to me, why does she hate me and then care why can't she love me like I love her" I thought
"I just wanted to make sure you are okay. Are you okay" She asked
"Does it look like I am okay?" I said in a sarcastic tone
"No" she said
"Then no" I said about to cry again. I grabbed my books and stormed through my potions class.

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