New Kid

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It wasn't the first day of school, and it wasn't the last either. In fact, it was Wednesday, the middle of the week, the day where you don't know if you want to continue studying or just want to go home and eat ice cream while you watch something on Netflix.

But something felt weird in the air, the auras of the people just change. Perhaps it was just Morpheus who made people sleepy or Dionysus who made late teens sluty. In the end, nothing seemed that different for you. The Gods didn't give you any sign of change, at least not the ones you listen to. Eros may have wanted to get your attention with a love interest, but who would listen to him after last time.

The class was dismissed and you put your notebook in the bag you always had. You took out the timetable to see what you have next and it was history which was the only class you had with the first-years. Chaos happens whenever one of them would start talking.

Murmuring over murmuring laughs over laughs and just people being people filled the hallways of the college. You were looking for your friend, which you bet that was running her way to you right now. It was right because as soon you got to your meeting place, which was the canteen, she jumped to hug you.

Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail, her dark skin had glitter all over, and her different coloured eyes were popping because of the extreme eyeliner she does every day. She was happy about something, and Hera knows that she will talk, only, about the thing that made her happy.

It wasn't something bad, that she rants about things she finds interesting because that made you happy. Her green and blue eyes would sparkle with emotions and her lips would always be curled in a smile.

" So, what made you happy, darling?" you asked responding to her smiles with a gentle one. Seeing her happy was beautiful and you could swear that Apollo always made sure she stayed healthy and artsy.

" You didn't hear?! Two new kids just arrived on the sport's profile and believe me when I tell you they are something else. I heard that they are from Japan and moved here to be able to progress even more. They said that Japan's players got boring."

You squint your eyes in confusion. She was happy because some new kids choose to come here and not stay in their natal lands? Or was she happy because at least one of them was hot?

" Anne ... one of them is hot, no?" you said, trying to hold in a chuckle.

Her cheeks became rosy and for some seconds no words were said. You were right and the poor girl was trying so hard to hide that, but in the end, you two do know each other for some time.  of course, she couldn't hide anything from you and neither could you. You were like siblings, and that happened because you both like anime.

The teacher entered the class, setting their laptop on the desk as the other people were talking with the person next to them or were sending memes on the class group chat. All this ended when the teacher started to check who was in and who wasn't. Most of the people were here, some weren't but that wasn't something that never happens.

" Oi-ki-wa Toruu?"  they asked and you could swear that the way they said it wasn't right. Anyway, nobody answered for some seconds, but in split seconds the door opened awfully loud, and a brunette boy which was with a boy with spike hair appeared.

" W-We are here!" the brunette said, out of breath. Looks like they were running just now. Maybe they got lost, it wouldn't be the first time when the new kids didn't have someone who would help them get to classes.

" Lovely to see you both here.  Please take a seat where ever you have one, and that will be the seat till the end of the year because as you all know to be able to let you back in school with the virus still with us, the teachers need to make a seating plan."  they said and sigh.  Probably this wasn't easy for them either, all this virus thing made the work 10 times harder for everybody.

The brunette started walking over to the back seat on the line which was beside the window, and that would have given you the ability to talk with him because you were in the same seat only that it was in the line from the middle. The one with spike hair sat in the first seat from the middle. They both looked like the main characters of different types of animes.

You could see how the one next to you rolled his eyes and said something under his breath, which was in Japanese, probably. Weren't the two of them friends? why do they sit so far apart? Maybe they fought? Or maybe they just sat like that because those were the only sits available in the class. You were overthinking the situation of two strangers.

" Ehm, excuse me but what did the teacher say? He talked a little to fast for me to understand..." the one next to you said, catching you by surprise. He had a hard to understand accent but his English was good. Poor kid, the teacher had the habit to talk fast in his class and more persons that you would expect didn't catch what they were saying half of the time.

" They didn't say anything important, I can give you my notes at the end of the class if you don't get to write all that they say." you answered with a smile and the boy smiled in return.  You bet that his smile broke some hearts back in Japan.

Your mind started wondering somewhere else the rest of the class and when the bell runged you almost jumped out of your seat, that made the brunette chuckle a little and you blushed from the embarrassment. Seriously, in Hermes's name, why did you need to act like an airhead right now.

" Oh shit, I'm going to be late for the next class!" you said out loud without noticing and rushed by the new kid with your notebook and pencil case in your arms.

" Take care!" those were the last words you heard before running through the hallways to the next class, hoping that the new boy will know where he needs to go to the next class, but as you walked farther and farther you could feel Eros breathing down on your neck. " Oh for the sake of Hades! I get it, you think the new kid maybe my soulmate but I'm not going to go through the same break heart because of you."

You talked to yourself as you were backing up to the place you saw the brunette. Maybe you felt bad that he would miss another half of other class. "I hope you know what you make me do right now." you thought as your legs started to walk faster because there was no sight of the boy. Gods know how rude some kids can be with newcomers from other countries. He doesn't look like the type to care about that but you do and that makes it enough.

"Hey! You, the new kid! Do you know where your next class at least?!" you yelled after him when you caught the sight of the fluffy hair.

He turned his attention to you and smiled, waving. Perhaps he knew where he needs to go.

" Iwa-chan said he has another class that me so he just left me alone. Can you believe that ... ahm, I didn't get to know your name..." he said as he scratched the back of his neck.

" Oh, yea. I'm sorry I forgot to present myself. I'm [name] [last name]! Nice to meet you, ahm ... "

"Toruu Oikawa."

   Sooo, here you have the first chapter of a roller coaster.
I hope you like it, and if you have a suggestion or anything I'm always open.
Sorry if you find grammar mistakes or anything like that, English wasn't my first language till 4 months ago.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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