{ Chapter Two }

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Harsh hands scolded him roughly as he was gripped and dragged out of his wooden door frame, the wind outside nipping at him as he shivered and decided whether to fight back or not. He chose to accept, allowing the fierce grip of his mother take him out of the house and fling him into the backseat of the expensive car.

"Don't you dare touch anything." She hissed as she buckled up her belt. He took the words literally, worried for the punishment he might receive if he slipped up, so he hovered his feet just above the clear carpet and didn't move his hands to buckle up the seatbelt that he was legally supposed to wear. The rain had settled since the last time he looked outside, now it was spitting lightly, causing the street around him to become damp and shiny looking. The house across the street had a small swing set that swung in the breeze rattling the chains with small clinking sounds each time a bigger gust of wind decided to flow through their garden. The world around him had always become some sort of coping mechanism from reality and he would often catch himself gazing out of a window or drawing nature to ease away discomfort. The only issue with that was that he would unknowingly doodle on his hands with pen and only realise he had done it when his mother began scrubbing away at it with a stainless-steel brush.

Car rides with his mother were always silent unless his mother was talking. They unnerved him to no end, making him dread leaving the house with either one of his parents. Today his mother looked happier than usual,  which caused two feelings to swell up in his stomach. He was happy for her, knowing how stressed and angry she usually was made him feel better when she smiled. Maybe she was finally getting rid of him, or maybe she was taking him somewhere to sell him off to another family who would torture him to no end. Either one of the options were not his decision so he succumbed to the inevitable and sat still in the backseat, waiting for some sort of sick thing to come his way.

They finally pulled up outside this soft blue house that had a grey doorway to match. His mother strode out of the car, tapping her leg to get him to follow along like he was some sort of animal. He swung his legs outside of the car to avoid touching the carpet before moving his whole body forward to stand on the pavement, watching water trickling down it in small stripes as he walked along the pathway behind his mother.  A sharp knock on the door caused him to finally look up, avoiding his mother's eyes as he lowered his head once again to gaze at his shoes. The door unlocked and a voice from inside called out. It was a man who sounded even more intimidating than his dad on a bad day.

The door clicked open, despite the boys hope that he could just go back home, and out came a short man with a scruff of white hair on his head. He wore small circle glasses that looked dainty and easily broken despite the man seeming like someone who had a lot of money, and a mass amount of scarves that hung lightly around his neck and trailed across the strangely clean floor of his house. The two adults shook hands despite his mother's distaste for his clothing choices and were led inside, followed closely behind them was Bakugou who couldn't help but have an eerie feeling well up in his chest as he listened to the two converse.

"And you are sure this could give him a quirk?" Mitsuki asked, a fascinated tone in her voice as she gazed at a blueprint on the wall that showed a diagram of a prosthetic arm. The man nodded smugly before showing her a photo on his phone that Bakugou couldn't see before he began talking.

"The procedure is sure to work. Nothing could go wrong if you think about it." The man answered surely, "You have seen the arms in person so you should know how simple this procedure is, Mitsuki." He chuckled, opening a door for them to step inside. The room was rather messy, unlike everything else they had seen so far, and lined up on the walls were fake limbs and small canisters that were labelled with different names such as 'wind' or 'fire.' The strange sense of danger only multiplied as he watched his mother walk out of the room, leaving him alone with the man who signalled for him to follow.

The action being built into his head, he followed the man downstairs without complaint, and watched as he unhooked the scarves from around his neck and replaced them with a lab coat and a pair of gloves. The short man indicated for him to sit down on a metal table, which immediately caused panic to flare up in the boy. His legs shook as his brain fought for the best answer in this situation. He knew he could run, the door was right behind him, but he also knew that his mother was waiting outside, ready to drag him back down the staircase and back to square one. He knew that he could oblige, but for some reason it sounded worse than being dragged by his mother.

The boy slowly backed away, his feet picking up pace as the man began to walk towards him. Running up the stairs, he could hear the mans panicked shouts as he attempted to grab Mitsuki's attention so that she could get to him before he left, but something in him decided that he would push down the growing fear of his mother and continue his escape. His mother stood at the top of the stairs as he attempted to sprint past her, she grabbed one of his arms and pushed him up against the white wall beside her.

She waited until the shorter man got up the staircase before throwing Bakugou down, he fell harshly on his ankle and no matter how much he thrived and attempted to get up, he was unable. His arms shoved desperately on the floor in a sad attempt of picking himself up, and he couldn't stop the shocked gasps and sobs that escaped him as the sudden striking pain engulfed his body.

It seemed like the smaller man was now using his quirk due to the glowing light that flowed through the man's hand as he aimed it at Bakugou. The boy suddenly collapsed from his attempts of moving and was lying blankly on the floor, his mind and senses fully working, but his entire body and mouth paralysed. He made a horrible attempt at screaming. but it seemed to only happen in his mind, his body stayed like a statue as the short man and his mother lifted him up onto the operating table. He heard the man call for someone, and in return, a woman walked in. She was much older than the other adults in the room, standing slightly hunched over as she stared into the paralysed boys' eyes. She motioned for Mitsuki to leave, before pulling her own gloves on and sighing slightly.

"What are we removing." She questioned in the most monotoned and monstrous voice the boy had ever heard. Hearing the word 'removing' the boys mind immediately went mental. He screamed at himself to run, to get up, to kick them, but his body never obeyed any of the commands he needed it to. The man motioned to both of his arms before showing the monotoned lady a blueprint with a sinister smile on his face.

The man tapped the boy's forehead, it finally shutting down his awareness and letting him fall under anaesthesia.

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