Dinner Date

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     It was the afternoon of the next day. I woke up to the sound of a Camera clicking and the bright light of it flashing. I opened my eyes and realized Draco was still in bed holding me tightly. I looked over his shoulder and saw my mother with a camera in her hands. I rolled my eyes and looked at Draco's face. He looked once again peaceful. His eyes fluttered open and the first thing he saw was my face shining from the sun reflecting on my face. He smirked and held me closer. That only made my mom fangirl harder. "Oh my god! Wait until I show Narcissa these photos!" My mother squealed. Once she said that me and Draco shot up and have my mother confused looks.

"You talk to my mom?" Draco asked in confusion.

"Of course! Your father and my husband may despise each other but your mother is an angel! She's so sweet and funny. Y/n's father doesn't really mind since I've known Narcissa since we went to Hogwarts. Honestly the only Malfoy my husband seems to tolerate is Narcissa!" My mother exclaimed smiling widely.

"If you and dad are friends with Narcissa then why does he hate Draco so much? Wouldn't he like him since Narcissa is his mother?" I asked. I was so confused. My mother looked down and then back up at me. She gave me a hesitant look.

"The thing with Lucius and your father is....they used to be best friends until their 3rd year at Hogwarts. I don't exactly know what happened but ever since then they have hated each other. I did personally see more change in Lucius but not good chance, bad change. He became more cruel and my theory is that he screwed up their relationship. I don't want to put blames on anyone though. It's just I've never seen your father hate anyone more passionately than Lucius Malfoy." My mother said her voice turning into a whisper so my father didn't hear. Draco looked lost in thought so I began rubbing his back softly and comfortingly. He snapped out of his gaze and turned to face me. He turned his expression into a warm smile. "You guys are too cute! I'm going to mail these letters to Narcissa! Also there is breakfast on the counter. You guys slept late!" My mother scolded as she then became all giddy and happy as she strolled out of the room to mail her photos. I laughed lightly to myself and got out of bed.

"You should go back to your room and get dressed now before my dad sees you leave my room." I said to Draco. He nodded and left the room closing the door gently. I went over to my closet and picked out a short green plaid skirt and a white button-up shirt. I then pulled a back jumper over my white shirt and headed down to the kitchen.

I entered the doorway into my kitchen and saw my dad at the table reading the daily prophet. I large scowl formed on my face at the sight of him. My father sighed and walked over to leave the room. He stopped in the doorway and turned to me. "It's for your own good." He said again and sighed. I felt my blood boil.

"Why do you have to interfere?! Have you ever taken the time to consider I might actually love Draco?!" I asked my voice breaking at the end of my question. He sighed deeply again.

"Y/n you don't know what love even is! That's why I'm trying to help you realize that you're making a huge mistake associating with the Malfoy kid! His father is no good and neither is he!" My father was now shouting. I felt my eyes get really watery.

"NO! You can't say that Draco will turn out just like his father, yet you won't tell anyone what his father even did to you!" I yelled back. There were now tears aggressively falling down my cheeks. My father softened his expression at me crying hard.

"I don't think we should discuss it yet. This date tonight is going to help you realize you don't truly love Draco. He's no good for you and I'm just trying to put you on the right track." My father said now calmly, and with that he left the room. We were shouting so loud before I wouldn't be surprised if the other neighborhoods heard. I broke down into tears and my mother rushed into the room. She looked at me really sympathetically. She wrapped me in a warm hug and began gently rubbing circles on my back. I began to cry harder.

Y/N and the Slytherin Prince {Draco x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now