Malfoy's Secret

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            It was a few hours after our trip to Hogsmeade and I was walking back from Dinner. I was making my way down to the Slytherin common room when I saw a lot of commotion near the Gryffindor common room.  There was a lot of panicking. I was finally able to see what was going on. The fat lady was gone! I had met the fat lady a couple times when Fred and George invited me to hang out in their common room. She was gone and the painting has claw marks on it. Dumbledore pushed through the crowd and made the decision to have all the students sleep in the great hall until it was safe.

Snape informed all of us and we all were given sleeping bags. Me and Pansy made our way to the great hall. I waved 'bye' to Pansy and went to sleep near the golden trio. Snape stopped me. "The slytherin students sleep there Miss L/n. Look, there is a free spot next to Mr. Malfoy." Snape said in his dull voice while pointing towards the Slytherins. I sighed deeply and received a glare from Snape. I walked over to the Slytherins looking for Pansy who was all ready set up near Blaise. The only free spots were near Malfoy or Theo. I sucked it up and rolled my sleeping bag out next to Malfoy. Malfoy was lying on his sleeping bag and turned to face me and sat up.

"I knew you couldn't resist me." Malfoy said smugly while smirking. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I sat on my sleeping bag.

"Do you think Sirius black is actually in the castle." I asked Malfoy with a tiny bit of fear. Malfoy smirked.

"Are you actually scared?" Malfoy said in a snarky tone. I rolled my eyes once again and pulled out a book. Malfoy was watching me intently he looked very focused on me. He was still looking at me when out of no where his cheeks were bright red and he looked flustered.
He had almost a guilty face looking at me again. I shrugged it off and continued reading. I saw Malfoy pull out a book. He began writing. He looked lost in the pages he was writing. As he was writing he was looking at me then the book a lot.

Snape instructed everyone to go to bed. The lights were shut off and we all got into our sleeping bags. I closed my eyes trying to sleep.


          I opened my eyes after tossing and turning for hours. I couldn't sleep. I rolled over to face Malfoy. He had his eyes open and was already looking at me. He smirked again. We started hearing loud noises from outside. Then there was a howl. Out of instinct I latched onto the closest thing near me. Which happened to be Malfoy. After it was gone I found my arms wrapped around him grabbing his shirt and my head hurried into his side. He began snickering. "I didn't know you wanted me that badly!" Malfoy said while chuckling. I quickly retracted myself. We both sat up and I felt eyes on me but not from Malfoy. I looked around only to see Harry awake. I pretended not to see him. Me and Malfoy were gazing into each other's eyes again. He pulled out his journal again and wrote something else. I began to feel self conscious at the thought he could be writing about me. We both laid back down in our sleeping bags. We were both facing each other again. I yawned and Malfoy had a small smile on his face which quickly faded.

"Goodnight, Malfoy." I said while slowly closing my eyes and getting comfortable.

"Goodnight, l/n" Malfoy mumbled.


        I woke up feeling very comfortable. I opened my eyes calmly and realized Malfoy was holding me close to him tightly. My head was in his chest. He smelled really nice, I can't deny that. Over all I felt safe and wanted. I had woken up before everyone else. I could tell it was still early. I closed my eyes but didn't go back to sleep.

It had been 10 minutes later and my eyes were still closed. I wasn't tired enough to fall asleep again so I just relaxed in Malfoy's embrace smiling like an idiot. I then felt a cold hand tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Beautiful." Malfoy whispered quietly to himself in amazement. Little did he know I heard. I opened my eyes the tiniest bit so he couldn't see I was awake. Malfoy was actually smiling with rosy cheeks. It was odd but I ignored it and closed my eyes again. I felt him pull me closer and he was asleep again. All my attempts to get away from his embrace failed. Malfoy is a lot stronger then he looks. He is surprisingly strong in his sleep. He was holding me like his life depended on it. I gave in and closed my eyes again.

Y/N and the Slytherin Prince {Draco x Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat