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Thank you @Leyou37 for the ship idea!

Nishinoya's PoV:

Lately, I have been feeling a little... off. At practice I always catch myself staring at Hinata. Now, you may be thinking, 'So what? You could just be accidently drifting your eyes towards him or something' but that's not all. When ever I watch him play, I feel... over joyed, and I get butterflies in my stomach. Like all I want is to be with him, or something. Maybe I like him?.. No way! I'm not gay! Plus, I only love my goddess Kiyoko! No one else! Right?..

"HEY NOYA! WHAT ARE YOU SPACING OUT FOR?! GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!" My thoughts are interrupted by Tanaka slapping my back really hard.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't realize!" I said rubbing my back.

About 5 minutes later, Coach Ukai said it was time to practice our receives. When it was my turn, I got in ready position, and prepared to do my famous, awesome, and cool move.

As the ball was nearing the ground, I screamed "ROOOOOLLING THUNDEEEERRRR!!!" as I reached my arm out and hit the ball perfectly into the Coaches hand. And, of course, I was rolling on the ground, I was planning on running Tanaka over, just because it's funny, but where I thought Tanaka was standing, stood Hinata. Oh no-

"H-Hey, wait-!" Was the last thing I heard before I rolled into Hinata, knocking him over. When I stopped rolling, I knew I was going to hit my back pretty hard on the ground, so I closed my eyes ready for impact. Of course, I did hit my back, but as I opened my eyes I saw the sunshine of Karasuno laying on top of me. He had this face that just... looked so cute... wait, WHAT! My face is heating up, am I blushing??? When I got back to my senses I realized that his nose was bleeding.

"Hey, are you okay?! Let me take you to the nurse, your nose is bleeding." I picked Hinata up and carried him to the nurses office bridal style.

Hinata's PoV:

Woah! There goes Noya-Senpai doing his awesome special move (that he still hasn't taught me)! Wait... why is he rolling towards me!

"H-Hey, wait-!" Was all I had the chance to say before Noya crashed into me, causing me to fall on top him. Wait, what?! Oh no no no no no. I'm on top of him! What do I do?!

He opened his eyes and his eyes widened. His face turned red. Is he sick? I should ask him.

"Hey, are you okay?! Let me take you to the nurse, your nose is bleeding." Noya said before I could say anything. Then he picked me up!!! I was probably a blushing mess! I mean, who wouldn't blush like crazy if their crush picked them up! Yeah, you heard that right. I have a huge crush on him, but I never told him because he loves Kiyoko, so it's useless...

Eventually we got to the nurses office, but it was a wast of time since all the nurse did was give me an ice pack and told me to drink water, so Noya took it upon himself to get me a tissue.

"Hey, Noya?"

"Yeah bro?"

"Thanks for helping me! My nose doesn't hurt as much anymore! You're the best!" I said.

Noya looked at me for a couple seconds as his face got even redder. That reminds me, I forgot to ask him if he was sick!

"Hey... are you sick or something? Your face is really red. Let me check your temperature!" I said as I put my hand on his forehead. Then I realized that I had just touched him without asking if I could, so I quickly took my hand off of his head and buried my face in my hands so he couldn't see that I was blushing.

"Huh, strange... you don't feel warm!"

Nishinoya's PoV:

I... I think I'm gonna pass out. I was hoping he couldn't see my blush! He's so cute when he worries about me... okay, that's it! I like him! If people could hear what was going on in my head, it would just be too obvious! Wait... he looks really red too. Is he blushing!? Does he like me?! Probably not, but there's only one way to find out, I guess. But I should probably wait, I just now realized my feelings. Maybe I should talk to Tanaka about this, I'm sure he would know what to do!

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