Chapter 17

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"Group meeting everyone!" Steve announced to the group.

"What lame issue is it this time?" Sam rolled his eyes.

"It's good news."

"That's a first."

The rest of the group eventually showed up, at least the ones who usually showed up. Carol sat in the very back seat near the window, not interested one bit. She ignored everyone else, silently looking out the window.

"I have some good news." Steve smiled.

"This is even better then last week." Peter said with excitement.

"I've decided to take the team out for a little fun." Steve continued.

"Like what?" Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"A corn maze. Halloween's right around the corner." Steve stated happily.

"Ohhhh!" Peter sounded like a hyper child.

Thor walked right into the meeting room as soon as he heard corn maze. He really didn't care if his friends stared at him. Even then, he was only there just to make Carol's day a little bit better.

"Look who decided to show up." Bucky said.

"I had nothing better to do. Please continue with the meeting Cap. I'll just sit over by Bruce." Thor shrugged.

"If you didn't hear Thor, we're going to a corn maze."

"That's partially why I'm here." 

"From what I've heard, it's a haunted one." 

Carol rolled her eyes, slightly smiling. She looked at Thor, happy to see that he was here. He nodded at her, happy to see her smile. It may have been just a simple choice to show up at the meeting, but Thor knew he had made Carol's entire day. 

"I also forgot to mention, we are going in groups of two." Steve stated.

"I have a feeling you're trying to torture me." Bucky looked at Steve.

"Whatever you want to think Buck." 

Steve looked back at the group, ignoring the random comments. He told them the rest of his plan, letting each of them choose their group. Everyone seemed pretty happy with what he had said.

"Mind joining me in this so called "haunted" corn maze?" Thor sat in the chair next to Carol, smiling widely at her. 

"Sure. I got nothing else to do." Carol chuckled.

"Good. The god of thunder wasn't taking no for an answer."

"Good thing I said yes." 

Thor stared directly into Carol's eyes, somehow finding hope in them. For the first time in almost a year, he knew he hadn't failed at one thing. That one thing was choosing her. It was almost like nothing bad had happened at all. Everything he had felt previously disappeared. 

"Has everyone chosen a partner?" Steve asked.

"Yup. We're all good to go." Sam nodded.

"Well, get ready to go."

"We will."

The group got ready to leave, heading out of the living quarters. They all managed to fit in the ugly brown van, since the quantum portal had been removed. Luis and Scott had volunteered to join them, since neither of them had anything better to do. 

"We're going to a spooky maze?" Luis said, very excited.

"Yeah." Scott informed him.

"This one time-"

"I really don't think they want to hear that story." 


"You could go on for an hour and not stop talking."

"It's a really good story though."

"So is the time you told us about the truth serum." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Or the time you made waffles." Natasha folded her arms.

"Doesn't beat the time Luis helped steal from Hank Pym." Bucky said.

"He really did tell you everything." Scott shrugged.

"It's kinda hard to miss that." Steve responded.

The group laughed, happy to be doing something fun for once. Scott drove to the maze, occasionally commenting on what Luis said. The other Avengers didn't say anything else, since they were too excited. 

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