Meet Them!!

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The next day everything was fine, we get in the cafeteria and we sit at a table we are ready to study but then Wayo's phone rang
-Wayo: hello?
-Wayo: oh okay... Yeah... We coming
He hung up and he looks Chaow
-Wayo: Chaow they waiting for us outside, Ai'Kao can we get you a motorcycle?
-Me: why? Your boyfriend doesn't have a car?
"I call Wayo boyfriend like that because Wayo didn't tell me who is his boyfriend, he doesn't tell me his name so I call him your boyfriend or Mr. Mistirious or Mr. Stranger, I know what best friend is if he didn't tell me his boyfriend name, but I think Is not ready yet, Wad yell at because with how I react, he doesn't take Wayo as his best friend Wad say that I'm his only best friend and nothing will change that"
-Wayo: he has some problems
-Me: Okay, here the keys and be careful with my baby
-Wayo: thank you Ai'Kao
And just like that they left and leave alone again and this time with our homework now I have finished not only one but three books with a lot of work
-Me: I haw to call again taxi, I can't call Wad he get mad with them
*Arthit P.O.V*
We are getting into the cafeteria and we see a few freshman years and some of them were Kao Student 0045 we are sitting not far away from them, maybe they do homework until one of the phones rings he picks up and then he takes the other freshman and left with Kao keys from his motorcycle and we hear Kai say that he routine with taxi again and he can tell Wad he other friends maybe because he gets mad with them and he continues to the homework... Wait he does his friend's homework? Why? I look at my friends they understand want I want to do, they see his 0045 friends leave him and leave behind the books so we get up and we get close to him!
*End Arthit P.O.V*

*Back To Kao P.O.V*
I was doing my homework when someone was right behind me, they cough and I look and I see P'Arthit and the others, I give them a wai "it's a respect let's say hi to the older from the younger" oh God damn he be mad if he sees that I do others homework, he gives me a second chance when he finds me with three books for signature and he says if he sees that I do my friend's job then he punished me and my friends, I don't want my friends to be punishment
I know what are you thinking they probably didn't even care about me, but it's not true it's my friends and they care for me as I care for them, I hope to not be a liar about that and my friend never betrayed me"
-P'Arthit: what are doing here all along Student 0045?
-Me: I do homework
And P'Prem takes one of the books and he picks Wayo's book, oh no
-P'Brien: I didn't know that you have two names
-P'Knot: oh really, you have two names?
-P'Brien: lets from now on call Wayo and Kao together
-bright: I didn't know that the teacher put different homework in the same person, I knew that they do it to all students so they don't have the same answer
-P'Tutah: let's talk to your teacher about that
-not: yes we can talk to her
"oh no if they talk to their teacher Wayo will be in big trouble and I couldn't help him anymore, I have to do something even if the punishment for that, Wayo and Chaow will do the same right?
-Me: the truth is that is not my book
-P'Arthit: then who is this book?
-Me: it belongs to my friend
-P'Arthit: your friend? Again? Why your friend can't do anything alone?
-Me: I'm just helping them
-P'Arthit: and where they are now?
-Me: out, for food?
-P'Arthit: you asking me?
-Me: no, I'm not asking you, they are for food out
-P'Prem: and they left you?
-not: a nice friend you have!
-P'Tutah: and they take, your motorcycle?
-Me: Yes
-bright: are you sure that, the ar your friend?
-Me: the are my friends
-P'Arthit: whatever tell your friend when they are back to come to the meeting with you, understand?
-Me: Yes, I understand 

And they left, I text Chaow and he said they don't leave yet, so I go and find them, without telling them and that I see, break me, it's not impossible, Wayo it was with....the person rape me 2 years ago he is not Wayo boyfriend....right? He can't be his boyfriend 
-Me: Wayo?
He turns and he looks at me then his boyfriend turn looks at me too
-Wayo: Ai'Kao what are you doing here?
-Me: I find you with him and you ask me, what Am I here? Really?WIth him?
He holds his hand
-Me: you love him? He does that thing to me and you love him, at least you have to tell me, but you lie to me and you take my things for him, you know the thing I hate the most is lies and you lie to me many times, and I do your homework, I take signatures for you, and you, you just lie to me and hide thing for me 
-Me: give me, my key
-Wayo: Ai'Kao!!
-Me: I said, Give.Me.My.Key.Now!
He takes out the key and I take it
-Me: and you Chaow, you don't tell me anything
He doesn't say anything 
-Me: you don't say, anything, of course, nice friend, 
I was ready to leave  *the student looked at us and the seniors*   
-???: Kao, I have, said I'm sorry
I turn to him and I punch him in the face, I was ready to hit him again, but Wad come and hold me back
-Me: We are not any more friends you only want to use me, for homework and take my motorcycle from me, your my enemy from now own! Don't let me see you again, because next time, no one-stop me
-Wad: Wayo, leave, now! And next time I'm not gonna stop him, I'm gonna help him hit Phana 
-Pha: I'm your senior
-Me and Wad: you don't deserve our respect!
-Wad: now leave!
The left and Wad and he hugs me!
-Wad: I know, I know, don't worry I'm here by your side! 
-Me: you are right! They are not my true friends, they only want to use me!
The seniors look at us, all the time, left and we go to the class

What Will Happened Next? What Happened Between Kao, Wad and Wayo, and Chaow? How The Others Will React? We, Will, Find Out!!

                                               I HOPE TO ENJOY MY STORY

                                                          LOVE YOU ALL!!!



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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