Untitled Part 1

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This is a story about a man who should of been in hell but ended up in heaven. Well sorta. His name was Robert Gibson. In this story we'll tell you why he should of been in hell and why he ended up in heaven.

Robert Gibson was by no means a good person, some might even call him other-worldly. Every day Robert would wake up, brush his teeth, eat breakfast, and sit on his porch, normal right? Nope, not at all. You see it was never actually his tooth brush, or his breakfast, or even his porch or house. Every day Robert would go to a different home and "kill" the occupants, or at least that's what he called them. Except he didn't actually kill them. He would sedate them and tie them up in their own basement, leaving them to die. That's not even the worse part, after he would finish watching from "his" porch he would go into town and hide in alleyways waiting for his next "sacrifice". When an unsuspecting person would approach, Robert would drag them to the alleyway and it was then that he would brutally and unjustly murder them in cold blood, with whatever tools available in the alley, most times it being a rock or a shard of glass. After doing so he would cut them up into pieces, eating as much of the savory human organs as he desired and would then hide the rest. In the afternoon he would gather three kids, killing one of them forcing the others to play with the organs and parts of their friend.

At this point you may be thinking "how did this Robert fella get into heaven" and we'll tell you right now. Robert had been doing this for as long as he could remember, about 247 years ago, no Robert was not immortal, and yes he is human, to be honest no one knows how he lived that long. But all this changed August 25, 2024, the first time he could not find a single sacrifice for lunch. So Robert decided to take a stroll around town, as he was walking a sign caught his attention it read, "Come in any welcome, have a talk and get rid of all your sin - free snacks and drinks", Robert did not believe in god or demons, he thought "I simply am here and I am Robert, no other worldly force made me, I am a self made man", and although he didn't believe the sign did say free food. Robert walked into a serene room with large fold out table surrounding the outside wall, filled with snacks and drinks as the sign had said, in the middle was a red shag rug with chairs circling it, there looked to be 30 people all chanting or whispering to each other as the person in the center, an abnormally looking man even by Robert's standards, was talking to everyone in a loud voice, he said "there is evil amount us, with us, it's in you and you and you", he would pointing to to people that were gathered and lastly stopping on Robert. Robert simply replied "got that one right" and would walk towards the tables. "Oh brother no, no you must be cleansed before you can touch the food that god hath provided" proclaimed the man from the middle of the group. Robert would turn to leave but the door was not there, there was no door at all, what is this place Robert thought to himself. "Come sit with us brother Robert!" the man exclaimed, suddenly Robert was sitting next to the man in the middle. "Hath you no patience for food" the group around him would say, although no mouths would open.

Robert shouted but nothing came out. "It's okay brother in here we speak from our minds, quite literally". "Brother hath you come to wash the sin and filth from your being". Robert could not move for he was trapped. The group would circle Robert grabbing him and pulling him into a Star shape. "Brother there is no escaping destiny"

And at that Roberts eyes were forced shut, and a dagger was brought out "Don't worry brother Robert this blade will purify you from all evil, the group would chant "hoy ack say ack hoon, hoy ack say ack hoon, hoy ack say ack hoon". And then Robert felt a sharp piercing in his chest dragged down to his waist, beams of read light shone from his stomach, twirling with the voices of everyone he had killed. This was it he was going to die. Robert tried to open his eyes and to his surprise he could, but he couldn't see anything, he felt around and felt a table, a chair, and papers on the table. What was this what is this illusion, am I dead he thought to himself, is this hell, could this be heaven. He would be bound to this parallel reality of heaven forever not being able to see anything, only feel until it drove him mad and he simply curled up and wished he could die all over again, stuck to his solitude, stuck to his loneliness and never ending universe and expanse of blank white, always the white he thought. Always the white.

Robert GibsonWhere stories live. Discover now