Chapter One

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(The picture above is the painting that you are working on at the beginning of this chapter)

        You jumped a bit upon hearing the crack! of a croquet ball being sent through the open doors of the solar room, two of your older sisters trailing behind it in an excited flurry of giggles.

        "Careful not to hit any of my paints!" You mused, hooking the glass containers of colorful paint that rested near the bottom of your chair with the toe of your shoe, pulling them closer under your canvas stand just as the second ball came flying by.

        "Sorry (Y/n), we will just be a moment!" Delia called out apologetically, rushing to carefully align her wooden mallet with the ball sitting closer to the other end of the room. With a look of utter concentration and completely accurate precision, she hit the ball diagonally across the floor, sending it flying gracefully into the next room. Delia chased after it with an accomplished smile, green dress somehow not trampled under her quick paced jog.

        "Sorry for almost hitting your paints, (Y/n)." Edeline said sheepishly, setting up her own form just as composed and collected as her other sister before as she began to piece together where to aim. "Here, I'll dedicate this one to you for the troubles."

        A soft, fond smile made its way to your face, "Well in that case, this is surely going to be quite the ball, hmm?" You teased slightly, peaking over your current piece so that you could get a better view of your sporty older sister.

        Edeline nodded, "Oh yes, for sure. In the name of the Lady (Y/n), I declare this the winning shot!" Her mallet came down with a hard, centered strike, flying elegantly right after Delia's. Both sisters winced when the clattering of a metal knight suit could be heard crumbling to the ground in the room over, followed by Delia's surprised laughter.

        "That was on purpose, right?" You chaffed with a soft giggle, and Edeline was quick to cover her twisted expression with a joking confidence.

        "Of course! That was the winning shot, was it not?" She bid you goodbye, rushing off into the next room to analyze the damage she had caused most likely.

        Finally being left alone in peace once again, you sighed and forced yourself to focus on the beautiful scenery that you had previously been bringing to life on the canvas in front of you. It seemed that each of your sisters had a knack for some individual talent or skill, and yours had always been art since you were a little girl. Seeing as your hobby of choice was more of a quiet one, you were more soft spoken and shy like your older sister Courtney, who absolutely loved curling up somewhere quiet to travel into the worlds that books held for her.

        Your paint brush delicately traced a field of flowers in a soft blue, careful to maintain and create as many details as possible. The warm and silent room around you helped to fuel your creativity, seeing as no maids were currently there working on their day off. You were left alone to admire the beautiful handcrafted tapestries and rugs that adored the space, practically anywhere that a stained glass window wasn't already taking up a portion of the wall.

        This room had been the place that your mother often brought you to practice your painting with her, and you grew up understanding that the lighting in it was one that was best to create a magical work of art in. That's what she had always told you, and as your skill progressed, you strongly felt it to be true.

        With the painting steadily growing to a close, you brushed off your hands onto your apron, making sure to place all of your used brushes in a jar of water to clean later. Slipping the apron off and onto your assigned wall hook, you flattened your (f/c) dress, glancing briefly in the mirror to wipe off any remaining marks of color.

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