Chapter Two

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"Friend? I don't need friends." Octavian said blankly.

Rachel looked skeptical.

"Everybody needs a friend, Octavian." She insisted.

Octavian shook his head.

"Weaklings need friends. I have allies."

"And where are those allies now?" Rachel said harshly. Octavian flinched, then hated himself for showing such a clear sign of weakness.

"Look, I know your not all bad." Rachel said, tone softer.

Octavian snorted, but he wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Yeah. Sure." He muttered.

Rachel pursed her lips, then walked forward so they were only feet apart.

"Everybody's got some good in them. Right here," Rachel said, tapping his chest directly where his heart was.

Then she walked out of the room, leaving Octavian to ponder old, unwanted memories.

Eventually, he fell asleep.


Octavian was dreaming.

It wasn't a terrifyingly real, prophetic dream that all demigods and legacies dread, but Octavian almost wished it was. No, it was a dream of his childhood. His family.

He saw his two younger siblings, twins, their bright eyes alight with happiness as he showed them how to balance throwing daggers perdectly. It was their fourth birthday, just two years ago. He had given them twin daggers, a paired set that had once been his, passed down from generation to generation. Made of Imperial Gold, which was scarce nowadays. Octavian hated most children, they were slobbering, snotty, stinky things, but Octavian loved his younger siblings. They were the things he truly cared about, the only ones able to worm their way into his heart.

He wouldn't have admitted that for anything, but the love was clear in his eyes as he gently adjusted their stances and grips, showing them how to hit their targets just on the bullseye. Personally he liked his bow and arrows better, but he was decent with daggers too. He wasn't really a fighter, anyways. He was a politician. But the twins, well, he was confidant they would serve the Legion well.

Then, his dream was suddenly dark, and all he could see was black. Then a heartwrenching, heartbroken cry echoed in the black.

"Octavian? Please don't go. Please stay with us."

It was the twins, the day he had to leave for the Legion again, to resume his duties as the aruger, just after their birthday. Pleading him, begging him, that he wouldn't leave. That he would stay.

But he had left, and he was suddenly alone in the dark.

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