Absolutely Nothing

Start from the beginning

Draco needs to know. He doesn't even understand the rage himself, but this thought of Blaise fucking you drives him insane. "Did you fuck her?"

"Well, yeah, but that's not the point-"

Draco runs toward the coffee shop in a state of madness. He flies through the door, pushing people out of his way to get to the counter.

"Where is she?!" Draco spits at Jade.

"Who?" Jade responds, shocked at the abrupt intrusion.

"Y/N!" Dracos yells.

"Why do you need to know?" Jade doesn't give in. They sense the tension and anger dwelling within the blond.

Blaise rushes in after him. "Mate, leave it alone. Let's go outside."

You are standing in the doorway, with a look of shock on your face. A gasp leaves your mouth at the sight. "What the fuck!" You shout at them.

Jade notices customers are starting to stare and gape at the exchange. "What is going on here?" Jade says in tandem with you, still trying to figure out what's going on.

"My soulmate is a whore! That's what's going on!" Draco spits out, staring at you. You don't know if you've ever seen someone look so angry, let alone their outrage being placed toward you.

"Woah there, mate," Blaise grabs Draco's arm as he tries to calm him down.

Draco spins around with a fiery rage, lifts his right arm, and punches Blaise in the face. Blaise collapses to the ground. A loud grunt is coming from him as he clutches his split lip.

"Blaise!" You shout and run over to him, crouching on the ground next to him.

You turn to Draco. "You have a lot of nerve saying that about me when you were still with your ex while fucking me!" You speak with malice in your voice.

Draco's jaw drops, his lower lip quivering. A crowd has circled you, several people with their phones out recording. You make your way to the blond, rage fueling your actions.

A loud smack is heard, and your hand is raised. Draco now clutches his cheek. "Fuck you, Draco Malfoy." Your breath comes out stout and broken, not allowing yourself to cry. Your face twists with rage and shock at your actions.

"Y/N!" Jade shouts to you.

You head over to them like a dog who's been caught, tail tucked between their legs, knowing where this is headed.

"I can't believe you; after the conversation we just had, you turn around and participate in a fight at work?! I thought you were better than this," Jade says firmly with their arms crossed. "You are suspended for the rest of the week," Jade turns to Draco and Blaise. "You two better leave before I call the police on you. It would be best for all if neither of you comes back."

Draco and Blaise look at each other and turn to leave the shop; the crowd splits for them.

You head to the back to grab your stuff. While clocking out, you see Jade making some calls to your co-workers to get your shifts covered.

"Hey, I'm really sorry, that will never happen again." You say to Jade with tears welling in your eyes.

"Just get your shite together. I'll call you when you can return to work." Jade responds with a disapproving stare.

"Once again, I'm sorry. I'll sort all this out." You say back, desperately pleading to keep your job.

Jade goes back up front to deal with the mess Draco and Blaise made along with the customers in the shop at the time, several of them murmuring and staring at your disheveled appearance.

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