Chapter One

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As the bell signaling the end of school for the day sounded, Mel and Bella picked up their books, following the trail of students rushing to leave the classroom .

"That class was so boring." Bella said, trying to stifle a yawn as she packed her books into her bag from her red locker.

Mel smiled , shaking her head at her best friend, her blonde her swaying with her.
"It was not." Mel countered

"Yeah yeah. Only you would think history was interesting. Mrs. brainiac." Bella said, tucking her long brown hair behind her ear.

Mel chuckled at her best friend.

Her attention was drawn to the twins approaching them, Ava and Anna.

Ava's dyed pink and black hair bounced up and down as she sashayed to them in a dress that was ten times too tight.

Anna was the opposite. Brown curly hair with a bit of blonde streaks, clad in a brown long sleeved turtle neck sweater and blue trousers.

"Hey bitches. What's up?" said Ava, flipping her hair over her shoulders dramatically. Mel groaned, turning her head to the side to ignore her presence.

"Hi guys." Anna said at the same time in a quiet voice, shifting her weight to one leg.

"Hey guys. Heading home?" Bella said, closing her locker as she wore her bag on one shoulder.

"Yup. There's a hot party tonight. I gotta get ready. You sure you're not coming?" Ava said in a loud squeaky voice, making both Mel and Anna cringe. Mel never liked Ava and she couldn't understand why her best friend even associated with her.

"Nah. I despise James Thirwall and don't want to be any where near him. So there's no way in hell I'm going to his party."

"Awwwn. Okay then. See you guys on Monday. Bye." Replied Ava, not even waiting for a reply before walking away, her pink heels making a clinking noise as it connected to the ground.

"Bye guys." Anna said, waving shyly.

"Bye Anna." Bella and Mel said at the same time.

Anna smiled at them before walking away.

"Let's go." Bella said, holding onto Mel's hand as they walked to the parking lot.

Bella took out her keys from the back pocket of her trousers, unlocking the doors to her black Mercedes.

Bella's parents were, to put it mildly, filthy rich. While Mel's parents were on the brink of bankruptcy for almost a year now.She was only able to go to school because of the scholarship program she was on. She never told Bella though she didn't want to be treated differently.

She opened the door to the passenger side of the car, getting in as she dropped her bag in the back seat.

As Bella was about to get in the car, she heard the familiar voice of Tyler calling her name.

She smiled, using her eyes to search's for him in the busy parking lot. She finally spotted him running to her, his brown hair bouncing up and down.

He heaved a deep breath as he got to her.

"Hey babe." He said after catching his breath, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

They started dating two weeks ago, and they were so I love with each other.

"Hey bae. I was just about leaving." She said, blushing at the look of admiration he gave her.

"Yeah, okay. I'll call you." He said, smiling shyly, heat coating his cheeks.

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