Valentines Escapades - JFK x Reader

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A few things before we get started, this is my first clone high fic, so it isnt the greatest, but i did get a little bit of a beta read to try and help this whole mess out.  Reader goes by gender neutral pronouns, but they can be changed as you like, (they arent important to the story) yet I did write this with a female reader in mind, sorry if that is obvious or dampens the fun.  Reader is also a clone! not just some normal student, who you're a clone of is up to you, as I didn't want to choose someone outside of your gender, race, etc.

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You never much liked big shows of affection to express your undying love for another person, much less an entire holiday surrounding that concept. Yet, lucky for you, it seemed like everyone around you thought differently. All of your friends either sinking their savings into some faked out gift, or an extravagant plan to ask out their "love-bug", ick, it could make you vomit just thinking about it.

Sure, you hated the typical blown out shows of love, but you couldn't deny the sappy, undeniable hopeless romantic heart in your chest. You absolutely adored the idea of being asked out, and even the idea of asking out someone as well. Either way, you knew that it probably wouldn't happen, not like many of the clones here were that appealing anyway.

"So! As I was saying-" The clone of Abraham Lincoln quipped, his lanky arm snapping you back to attention as he explained some crazy plan to you, Joan, and Gandhi, "I've been thinking of asking Cleo to a big valentines day date with chocolates! Or, maybe that's too common.."

He gestured, waving his hands wildly, before his tone changed entirely, making the redhead seated next to you slam her head onto the table, leaving Abe to pause and stare, before going straight back to his dull plot.

"Abe-" Joan groaned into the table, nose pressing against the surface, "Abe." she started again, brows furrowing as the clone kept listing off ridiculous ideas, "ABE!" she yelled, slamming her hands onto the counter, making him glare.

You understood Joan's frustration, as the lot of you had been sitting here for what felt like hours, from the insistence of Abe, so you could all talk about your valentines plans, AKA, Abe jabbing about Cleo for an extended period of time. Gandhi looked to be out of it as well, judging by the way he dozed in, and out of consciousness.

"Joan! This is a public restaurant!" he said through his teeth, eyes obviously unaware of how annoying he was being just seconds before.

She sighed, pinching her brow before snapping her eyes back to his, "And you've just been talking about Cleo for like, an hour! Don't you have anything else to talk about?"

The bearded teen glared at her, eyes narrowing as he thought for a moment, a long moment, "You're just jealous, all of you don't even have ideas for dates," he stated matter-of-factly, obviously deflecting the conversation.

"I- no, I mean yes, I mean!" Joan exasperated, gesturing with her hands in attempts to make a coherent case, before she surrendered into the plush booth, arms crossing over her chest as she mumbled something under her breath.

Abe smirked, turning his attention to Gandhi, and raised an eyebrow, "Gandhi?" All the shorter clone did in response was a slow descent into the seat, along with a slow cross of arms, and a half meaningful scowl.

Finally, he turned to you, looking at you expectantly for a response, nudging his head in your direction for a go-ahead.

"Well, actually-" you started, looking off to the side, attempting to play a practical joke on your friends, knowing you didn't even have anyone in mind.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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Clone High (x reader) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now