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Isabella looks like this:

Isabella looks like this:

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3rd person POV:

Isabella was sorted into slytherin. She is kind but she can be mean. She only does it because she want to impress Draco. She never meant to be mean. The one person who she doesn't like is the muggle born girl Hermione Granger. She was a know it all. She doesn't mind Gryffindors she always wanted to be a Gryffindor but Hermione got on her nerves.

Flashback to the first year 

I walk around to find the train to find a car that doesn't have more than 5 people. I stop to see two boys, one with brown hair and glasses and the other pale with ginger hair. I knocked on the door "Excuse me, do you mind everywhere else is full". The two boys looked love struck I looked confused. "Hello?" I said confused. Moments later they snap out of there fantasy and both nodded quickly. I sit down. "Hi, i'm Isabella Lestrange but you can call me Izzie." "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." I hear the ginger boy say, "And I am Harry, Harry Potter" I try not to freak out. I pulled out my hand, "Nice to meet you" Harry shook my hand. I turn my hand over to Ron he just stares at me I giggle and pull my hand back slowly and I giggle. Harry bumps Ron and he looks at Harry with a 'what is your problem' face. He looked at me again "My brother taught me a spell how to turn my rat scabers yellow. Do you want to see?" Ron asks me. I nodded my head. Ron raised hi s wand and he was about to say a word. A girl walked in front of the door of the car. "Have any of you seen a toad a boy named Neville has lost one" The girl saw Ron's wand in hand. "Oh are you doing magic, lets see then" I hear the girl say. Ron clears his throat "Sunshine daises bottom mellow, Turn this stupid fat rat yellow". "Are you sure that's a REAL spell, well it's not very good is it." She sassed. She continued, she sits next to me and points her wand to Harry's taped bridge of his glasses. She looked at me and rolled her eyes. She looks back at Harry "Holy cricket you Harry Potter, I'm Hermione Granger ,and you two are?" She looks at me and Ron. "Umm, Ron Weasley" "Pleasure" She says sassy, she turns to me. "Izzie" "Do you have a last name Izzie?" I hear her say. "Lestrange, Isabella Lestrange.". She looks at me and shakes her head. She stands up and walks out. I look at the window. "By the way you have dirt on your nose, right there, did you know?" She walks away.

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