Chapter One: A Wake-Up Call

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Kliff looked at his screens, eyes sore. He stared... he focused... he could feel nothing but pain. Pain not only in his back and eyes but in his pride. He had it. He had Tatiana's expression...! He had the perfect plan! Even had the perfect team! ... Bunk Bed Junction. Zuke and Mayday only brought a sick taste in his mouth. Staring at their popularity, seeing how many fans they had now... from a feeble twenty-five... to a whopping seventy thousand and seven. And it kept going up. And up. And up.

He grunted and lifted his fist, punching the screen, it fizzling. After shaking his fast from the shards, he laid back in his chair.
"... it was because of me they grew famous," he told himself. "Because of me they almost had full power! Because of me that I almost had Kul Fyra's full reaction! ... but no... those two... two... kids had to save the tower. What was in it for them!?"

He gasped and winced, holding his back. Ever since he got sound waved into a building, he's not been in the best shape. He went on his phone, trying his best to not punch it this time as he looked through Bunk Bed Junction's official page. Pictures of them with the artists...

Mayday and Tatiana and Zuke jamming out, Zuke taking care of Yinu, like a babysitter, DJSS and Zuke talking, Mayday still obsessed over 1010... the best of buddies now. He sighed and put two fingers on the bridge of his nose.

There was nothing he could do now... unless some new artists grew a hatred towards the indie rock duo band, then there was nothing he would be able to do...

... New artists.. Of course! Not everyone has heard their music! Not everyone has heard about the infamous BBJ! He quickly got on the phone, messaging six artists and bands.
"Bunk... Bed... Junction... is going to... hijack... your concert..." he said aloud while typing, a sneer coming over his face. "You will... need to be on... guard... it's a man and a... girl named Mayday... and Zuke... they defeated other... artists... be weary... aaaaand... send."

He watched the numerous replies of worry and anger send through, making him chuckle and sit back once more, closing his eyes and folding his hands behind his head. " Ohohohaha... Zuke... Mayday... just you wait," he looked at a poster of them he had on the wall. "... you're gonna get yours..."

Chapter One: Wake up Call

The phone beside Zuke buzzed. It had been a couple of weeks since they and the artists had hung out and everyone was on good terms. He and Eve have even been talking, still finding ways to get over each other.

His eyes groggily opened to his phone vibrating with a bright screen. He half expected Eve or even DJ, but was surprised to see Tatiana's name. He slid the answer icon over and answered.
"Hello...?" he yawned.
"Sorry for waking you, Zuke," Tatiana apologized.
"Yeah no, it's no problem, I've been up..." he unknowingly lied. He was too tired to think. "What's up?"

"I need you to look at the recent news," she told him. He grunted as he sat up, stretching his sore back and putting his drumsticks together for a cane. His back was always back in the mornings. Speaking of which, he looked at the time. 3:34 in the morning?
"Uh yeah I'll check it out," he replied, heading to the living room. "Why'd you call this early though? And why me?"
"You think I want Mayday to obsess about how Kul Fyra's calling her in the morning?"

Zuke snorted, smiling. He got on the couch, letting out a sigh and turning on the TV.
"Okay, lemme flip to the news..." he narrated what he was doing. Tatiana just waited expectantly. Zuke rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes as the screen blurred into view.
"Bunk Bed Junction has reached its goal of ten thousand fans...!" the newscaster said happily, in front of a crowd of fans. "With thousands of albums sold, it would be noted that they could possibly have their own district! Charts indicate that if they do, not only will they gather more fame, but more of a chance to meet new artists! Fans are raving over the question; will they accept the NSR's invite this time? Stay tuned!"

Zuke smiled and stretched again.
"Our own district, huh?" he asked Tatiana.
"Indeed. You two have gained not only popularity but respect for how you handled the situation with the whole satellite issue." Zuke stayed silent, then spoke up a little.
"... you think Kliff is okay?"
"Kliff?" she asked.
"Well... yeah I mean, sure, he went too far, but... you know, maybe he..."
"Zuke, you must get him out of your head," Tatiana ordered. "I understand how you care about people, but what Kliff did was bad." When she met silence, she sighed out. "I'm sure he's okay. Just off eating instant ramen or whatever." When she heard Zuke chuckle a bit, she smiled, happy he was okay with that answer. "Anyway, tomorrow, I'd like to meet you and Mayday."
"Hm? What time?"
"I'm hoping to see you two around noon," she told him. "We have a little... surprise set up for the two of you. Just don't make it obvious to Mayday." Zuke nodded and turned off the TV. Ellie crawled up on the couch and onto his lap, squeaking in delight as Zuke drummed his fingers up and down her back.
"Sure thing," he nodded. "I'll tell her just to meet ya. At the tower?"
"Yes," Tatiana answered. "Sleep well, Zuke."
"You, too, Tatiana."
He hung up and laid on the couch, Ellie crawling onto his stomach and chest. Zuke occasionally slept on the couch with Ellie, so he didn't mind. He closed his eyes and sighed out... a whole district...? For them? Ten thousand fans? To be honest, he never would've sought this through in the future, but Mayday would be one who would wish for a million fans. With a yawn, he finally went back to sleep.

Hours later, he felt someone grab his ankles. He looked, seeing Mayday beaming ear to ear.
"I heard your conversation last night!!!" Of course, she did. "Can we go now!?"
"Um, well..."
He looked at the time, seeing it was close to 12:00. Well... it was almost noon and since they had no car, they would arrive on time or a little late. Still, he was trying to process all that was happening. He rubbed his eyes and stretched out, muttering out a 'yeah.' However, he didn't see how this was going to be a mistake.
"Then let's go!!!"
With a yank, Zuke was pulled off the couch, him screaming out. He hasn't even had his coffee yet...! Mayday ran through the streets, Zuke nearly flailing behind her and he would've flown off if it wasn't for Mayday's strong grip on his feet.
"Mayday, slow down!!" he shouted. Some passer-byers looked, seeing the orange lady practically carry the dreadlocks man like a kite.
"We got to hurry!!" she yelled to him. "Kul Fyra wants us there!! We can't be late!!"
"Mayday, I haven't even had breakfast yet, I just woke up...! I'm not even dressed in my clothes!!" Indeed he wasn't wearing a large t-shirt and sweatpants he wore for bed. Didn't even have shoes on. Mayday, though, was all dressed. She has been ever since she heard Zuke get up from bed that early morning.
"Well wake up earlier next time!" she offered a suggestion. Zuke only grunted, his screaming coming to a halt shortly after as he just let himself be dragged off to the tower. Mayday, after all, WAS stronger than him. And faster. A do-it girl. Zuke at the very least just wanted a coffee...

At the tower, Mayday stopped at the top floor in front of Tatiana, holding onto Zuke's ankles as his head fell to the floor, dreadlocks splayed all over.

"... Mayday?" she asked.
"It's cool, he's used to it!" she beamed. Zuke groaned out.
"Sadly, I am..."
"Well... I'm glad to see you are punctual," she nodded. Mayday let Zuke go and tossed a grocery sack on him. Looks like she came prepared with his clothes. As he went in the bathroom to change, Mayday looked eager.
"So what's going on?" she asked happily.
"Last night, there was a news report about you and Zuke getting your own district," Tatiana replied. Mayday gasped in, looking stunned.
"Our own district!?" she squealed. "LIke Sayu and Supernova's and 1010's!?"
"Indeed," she smiled at her enthusiasm. "There's still thought in it and we thought we could ask you about it and also celebrate your ten thousand fan milestone."
"We hit ten thousand fans!?!?"
"... did Zuke tell you anything?"
"I dragged him off the couch," she shrugged. "Still, this is amazing! I've always dreamt of this...! To be so popular...! And to be part of the city! And... and making so many friends with the other artists despite kicking their butts... And your butt."
"Well, I don't go down easily, honey," Tatiana tittered. "So... we're holding a party here as soon as the others arrive."
Zuke came out fully dressed, a little grumpy since he still hasn't had his coffee.
"Well, we're looking forward to it," he smiled a little, pulling out his cane. Mayday nodded in agreement. So far... best day ever!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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