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last part: 

karl called me cute? i snap out of it when i remember niki's waiting for me to continue the cottage. i get to our secret location where the cottage is, and found her finishing up the build. i brought back decorations for the inside. all of a sudden i felt a wave of tiredness, so i turned off my pc and went to bed. 

it was about 3:00 am when i got a facetime call. it was niki. so of course i would pick up, shes like my best friend. 

"yeah?" i ask

"hey y/n quick question" 


"just check karls twitter, and then go back to sleep i see i woke you up. sleep tight bestie" 

"thanks niki, night. ill check twitter rn" 

i hang up on niki, and as i said i would, i check twitter to see what was actually going on. i go to my inbox, just to be greeted with notifications tagging me in many tweets. niki told me to check karls account, so i naturally do. i click tweets and replies, and see why people are tagging me like crazy.  

karl :) @KarlJacobs_  1h

y/n saw the chest and said nothing... chat what do i do... 😪🙄💔



dream2 @dreamwastaken2 41m 

hey @y/u/n can you make him shut up he wont stop talking about you 



y/n @y/u/n 1m 

oh? sorry bestie, can't help you there :-D




Niki @Nihaachu 1m 

i thought we were besties :-(




y/n @y/u/n

ALRIGHT LADIES AND GENTS. CURRENTLY GOING TO BED. explanation stream tomorrow ;) aka y/n being too lazy to type so :D 

i left it at that tweet, planning on streaming instead of typing since i didnt feel like it. i put my phone down, plugged it in, and went back to sleep. as i thought about the long tweet chain, i realized what dré tweeted. HUH? karl called my cute in that book he wrote me, and 'wont shut up about me'? after thinking about that a lot, i still ended up drifting off to my thoughts. 

i woke up, put on this outfit: 

and i went to make some coffee  in my kitchen

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and i went to make some coffee  in my kitchen. once i finished, i brought it to my streaming room. i turned on my webcam, turned my mic on, and started my explanation stream. it was obviously a bit, but it was still fun for me to act apologetic. i tweet the stream, and put my phone down. a bunch of people rushed in, with karl and niki retweeting my link. i knew they'd be there, so i needed to make myself serious enough to not laugh 24/7 

"hey guys.... i have a lot of explaining to do... im so sorry.." i say 

"karl im sorry not sorry, i didn't know you needed me to say something to you.. but what was in the book you wrote me, it goes the same for you if yk what i mean... anyways.." i said 

"NIKI! PLEASE ilysm and it was a joke, i'd never call anyone else my bestie except you don't worry bb" i say, pretending to wipe a tear while holding my chest. 

"anyways that was super short im gonna play the smp, leave if you'd like! i dont think many of you came for that, so leave if you might get bored but i'm not going to be streaming for long, since new york city is about to get hit with a big storm!" (you live in nyc, and are a part time streamer) 

i get on the smp, and join the discord voice call even though no one was in there except me. 

a/n: dude STOP. IM ABOUT TO CRY. 400 reads? TY!! 

word count: 646 

Thank you, Austin. (karljacobsxreader)Where stories live. Discover now