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the air was cool. the sun was shining. however... that wasn't really the right type of weather for winter... was it? anzu sighed, lamenting out the window. winter break was soon.. she could finally have a rest from producing for a while, huh.... she sighed, turning back towards the front of the class, when the bells rang and everyone erupted into a symphony of noise, running out the classroom.

she remained seated, clearly in disarray as the whole class was almost as empty as it was at the start of the day. she scanned the room, only to lock eyes with one of the remaining students, natsume. she let out a small smile, and wave before moving to pack up her bags, and exit the class. she looked around again, noticing sagami-sensei had already left. huh... how irresponsible... she thought to herself, before exiting her chair and making her way towards the door.

she, however, was stopped by natsume, holding at her wrist, his eyes pleading for her to listen. so, she turns, and awaits for the thing he looked so desperate to tell her. only to be met with his hands loosening, and an envelope being placed in the palm of her hand; and then he was gone.

there she stood, alone in the classroom, envelope now brought towards her chest. she smiled, looking at the letter, the word 'Anzu' sparkling beneath the light of the classroom. she smiled, ripping open the envelope. to see the card. bart simpson card. she let out a tear as she opened it, reading the fancy lettering littering the page.

"dear my kitten,
merry christmas, pogchamp.
i love you.

-mod anzu😍😍📊

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