i ran a hand through my long hair. my eyes began to feel very heavy as I realized it was getting pretty late and I needed to wake up early tomorrow.

i placed my phone on my bedside table and then made my way over to my closet.

placing two hands on both doors, I swung both closed and smiled weakly in satisfaction. I was safe now as pathetic as that sounded. luke would have made fun of me.

I then turned back around and walked over to the large seat window. I also preferred that my blinds were closed at night. i spun around and sat down on the seat that indented in my window. I reached over to grab hold of the string that pulled them down.

just as I was about to let them fall, two headlights brightly flashed into my window, causing me to squint my eyes. I hesitated to close the blinds, as I pressed my face close up to the window to see who or what that was.

the bright lights switched off as it settled in my driveway. the hard rain made it pretty unclear to tell who exactly it was.

suddenly it all came into place.

it was calums old car.,

I had recognized it from the trip to the beach. but it didn't make any sense. if calum wanted to come over he should have told me. besides it was too late and there was no reason for him to be here.

I felt a rush of panic run through me as I pushed myself away from the window, making my way out of my room. if my parents heard someone trying to get into my house they would kill me.

I entered the dark hallway and tip toed as quiet as I could. all the lights were completely off, the only glow coming from the moon and purple clouds from the rain. I made it to my front door and pressed up against it, gazing into the peep hole.

there was no one there.

I tore my face away from the door and gazed down at my phone, bringing up calums number.

I brought the phone close to my ear and let it ring slowly, my heart racing for the answer.

suddenly the ringing stopped and there was ruffling and mumbling on the other line.

he let out a deep cough to clear his throat, "jade?"

I lightened up as soon as I heard his voice, "calum, you cannot just show up at my house in the middle of the night." i loudly whispered into the speaker.

"jade im not at your house?"

and I swear I felt my heart drop down to my stomach.

my eyes widened as I backed away from the door, unknowing who was behind it.

"jade?" calum echoed.

I swallowed deeply, "yes calum?"

"its luke." his voice was very shaky, "he's outside, let him in, please."

and with that I ended the call, bringing the phone away from my ear slowly. I swallowed while pacing back to the door. placing a hand on the locks, I slowly unlocked the door.

I hesitated to open it for some time. I held my breath as I tried to swing it open and quietly as possible.

and there he stood.

his all black clothes soaked, his hair styled flat from being wet. the rain falling on top of his head rapidly. he had his arms cradling his chest from the cold.

I felt my mouth become agape as I latched onto his arm, stepping into the pouring rain with him.

"luke." I whispered under my breath and gazed into his weak eyes.

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