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Some minutes passed in which no one dared to speak and suddenly they both woke up breathing heavily and coughing "omg" i said in shock "are you okay guys" Amos asked "yes, don't worry" Marcus said "i'm okay" Melina said "Martinus, are you crying?" Marcus asked and Martinus hugged him tight "i thought i had lost you" he said without breaking the hug "everything is fine, i'm here, i'm okay" Marcus said rubbing his back "take rest guys, you need it' Amos said and we leave

*Y/n pov*

"are yoy okay babe?" Marcus asked when they left "yes, you?" i asked "yeah, let's sleep a bit" he said and pulled me closer to him and i cuddled on his chest

*Some weeks later*

"This can't keep going like this" I said as we sat down "if things keep going like this they are going to kill us" Pau said "then there's only one thing we can do" Amos said "what?" Marcus and Martinus asked at the same time "kill them before they kill us" he said "it's a good idea" i said "let's go then, i have an idea to do it and make it look like an accident" i said "really?" they all asked at the same time "yes" i said "and what is it?" Amos asked "well, we know that everyday at 16:00 they meet to talk about how to kill us in my father's basement so we can lock the door and made a little fire under the circuit panel, that will meke an explosion, and will have forty seconds get out" i said "good idea" Pau said "let's go, it's 15:50" Martinus said and we walked there

"Okay, let's do it" Marcus said making a fire with a lightet and a little piece of wood "come on, let's get out" i said and we ran away, but wen we were about ti reach the door Pau fell and her leg got trapped between some woods of the floor "Pau" Amos said "leave me, you have some seconds to scape" she said "no" Amos said "please Amos please" she said "come on, there's no time " Martinus said and Amos nodded "Amos, i love you" she said "i love you too" he said and just in the moment we got some meters away from the house it exploted, we turned around and saw the house burn, i looked at Amos and huged him as he cried "i have never imagined that i would lose her so soon" he said "none of us did, but she hasn't died in vane, thanks of her we don't have to be afraid of the vampire hunters never again, every vampire will know her as a heroine" i said and Marcus and Martinus joined the hug

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