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We didn't know where we were going, when we will arrinve or if we were going to survive, so here we were sitting in the floor of the back of the van, i was trying to guess where we were going by the way we were taking, i thought that we were going to my father's house but when we should turn to the left we turn to the right making me feel lost

"What do we do now?" Martinus asked frustrated "i don't know, i suppose that we have to wait and see what happens when we arrive to god knows where they are taking us" i said and sighed and we let the destiny choose what was going to happen to us

After a really long time we arrive to a big house in the middle of nowhere, thet locked us in a cell in the basement "let us go" i said taking the bars and a small groan of pain leaves my lips when i feel my hands burning "this bars are made of silver, better don't touch them" Mara's father said laughing and then he left

"What are we going to do now?" Amos said sitting on the floor "i don't know, let me think" i sait sitting between Marcus legs, i leaned my head on his chest sighing and little by little i felt asleep while thinking of how we could get out of here

*The next day*

"Melina, wake up" Marcus said softly while he was playing with my hair and shaking my shoulder a little, i moved a little making myself confortable while i still lying on the floor with my head in Marcus' lap "good morning" Amos said with a small tone of sarcasm in his voice while i sat down, seconds later my gaze fell on the outside of the cell and i saw the key "guys, the key" i saif "yes Melina, we already know that we need the key" Martinus said "i don't mean that, the key is there, on the floor" i said pointing at it "but we can't take them, the bars are made of silver remember? To take the key we need to get our arm through the bars and if we do that the bars will burn our skin" Marcus said, i stand up without paying attention to what they were saying and i knelt in front of the bars "Melina don't do it, i don't want you to get hurted" Marcus said taking my arms "i prefer to burn myself a little that staying locked here and probbably die" i said making him let go my arms.

I passed my arm between the bars and the pain got more and more intense but i didn't give up until i got the key in my hand, when i separate my arm from the bars you could cleary see that i was completely burned but i didn't care, in some days no mark was going to be left "let's get out of here" i said opening the cell's door and we get out of it but just in the moment that we stepped outside the cell we heard an alarm and we saw Mara at the end of the corridor running to us "run!" Martinus yelled as we saw my father and Mara's parents comming for us too and we run away as looking for the exit as fast as we could

"This way" i said going inside a room and finally ther it was, the exit door was just in front of us, just some metters away but when we where about to open it some bars appeared in front of the exit door, we turned around to run away but other bars appeared in the door through which we had come in leaving us locked here "Hello my fried" Mara said, behind her were her parents and my father, this wasn't going to end good "let us go" Martinus said angrily "No withoit a fight" Mara's mother said and the fight started

After a long time fighting i saw a control panel and i ran to it "great" i said happily when i saw that i could open the doors with it so i started to press buttons and to put every random code that get through my head as fast as i could, have i said that i can't work well under presure? I didn't mention it before? Oh well now you know  it, i can't work under presure and now i had a lot of presure on me.

After some minutes working on the pabel i saw my father coming to me running with one of his weird machines, fortunately Marcus got in his way and stopped him "work in opening" the door Melina, we protect you" Marcus said.

Just in the moment i managed to open the door i heard Marcus yelling in pain, i turned around fast enough to see Mara, her parents and my father leaving running and to see Marcus falling on the floor unconscious or maybe dead, i didn't know "Marcus!" i said running towards him and i knelt beside him putting him on my lap "Marcus wake up, wake up, wake up please" i said almost crying shaking him to wake him up but he didn't react, Amos and  Martinus also came running "let me see if he is okay" Amos said and i leave him some space "is he okay?" I asked some minutes later "No, he is no, let's go to my house, they already know the location of yours so better go to mine, i also wanna consult some of my books" Amos said "but is Marcus going be alright?" Martinus asked worried "i don't know, his heart beats are really low and he is hardly breathing, it's very probably that i won't be able to save him, maybe we can do something but i'm not sure, the most likely thing is that he dies..."

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