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I've gone crazy again as a whisper to myself.

-Trigger warning.-
People always ask me why I'm so depressed or why I'm so sad. The reason is that when you are left out or feeling no one is there for you. I start becoming sad. My feelings are changing. The way kids are with there popularness or coolness. I can't just explain my feelings in person cause they'll say," what you talking about" or "you have everything I don't get why you're so sad." Getting bullied changes people I guess. I miss the old happy me. The girl that didn't care what she wore or the girl or didn't care what people think. I miss the old me a lot. Sometimes I cry at night wishing I was better. Someone everyone would like or to fit in for once. Maybe being told not good enough a lot at school changes you even more. Maybe getting called pimple face changes the way you think you look like. No matter how hard I try, I'll always never fit in. Maybe it's time for me to understand.

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