Chapter 27: Confessions

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I hate writing endings 😭

I also noticed all too late that I've been spelling Kaede's name wrong throughout the whole story and I've had to change it (and with Childhood Friends too)! HOW COULD I HAVE SPELT IT WRONG?! 😭😭😭😭😭

Stay tuned for a special announcement.

Artwork is not mine. Please credit it and the artist by using this link:

Maki ignored the cheers of the crowd behind her. No one paid her any attention as she slipped through the festival. She didn't care much for scenes like this since the last time she was at a festival was for a hit. She stepped outside the boundaries, mindlessly wondering into the tree line. She didn't know where she was going, and she wasn't sure if she cared at this point. She was too consumed by her thoughts. Her thoughts of Kaito. Since last night, she couldn't stop thinking about him no matter how hard she tried. She wanted to speak with him during the festival, but she noticed something. Every time he was with his friends, he acted differently around them. She didn't know what it was or why. He just acted more relaxed as carefree around them. He was more like himself in a way. With her though, especially now, he was different. It was the look he gave her, the smile that he shared with her. He never shared them with his friends. Was it because he was a vampire? Or was it something else? Maki no longer wanted to think about it. The school year was starting to draw to a close. It meant that she can spend her days for the rest of summer not having to worry about Kaito. She can start today by keeping away from him. It would probably be for the best anyway.

"Maki Roll!"

Maki stopped walking upon hearing that nickname. The nickname that Kaito gave her. Listening carefully, she could hear him running up behind her. 'He really knows how to make this difficult.' Maki thought, a glare creeping to her face as she turned to Kaito. However, as she prepared herself to push him away, a part of her didn't want to do that. It felt terribly wrong to do so.

"What do you want?! Shouldn't you be with your friends?" She shouted, her voice matching that of a growling tiger. Kaito looked stunned at how defensive Maki suddenly has become. She couldn't exactly blame him. She was changing herself from who she was back in the hotel and the previous night. She was changing back to her cold, old self.

"Well, yeah, but I got worried about you." Kaito said, shaking off his shock as he started to walk towards her.

"Well, you shouldn't be. I'm fine." Maki protested, facing away from him. She wasn't fine. She wasn't. She might never be fine. Her heart was painful and her chest felt tight.

"No matter what, I'm always gonna worry about you. You mean a lot to me. I don't want to see you hurt." Kaito continued, getting closer with a calm expression on his face.

"What about last night?!" Maki suddenly demanded, looking at Kaito again. He looked confused, so Maki kept going. "I'm not stupid. I know what you were going to do. It was clear that all I am to you is a blood bank." It hurt to say that, but she knew that she wasn't wrong. She remembered how hot and how close his breath was to her neck. She was ready to accept his decision to take her blood. But after he let her go, it was clear that he was split into two. He didn't want her blood, but it was like his instincts were forcing him to. She didn't want to traumatise him further just by being close to him.

"That's not true." Kaito started to plead his case, carefully approaching her.

"Just stay away from me!" Maki screamed. She spun on her heel and started to run. She protested against her body wanting to run to Kaito, not away from him. 'The more his feelings come out, the closer I want to be to him. But that's impossible! There's no way he feels the same!' She thought, her eyes stinging. She surprised the tears that wanted to stream down her face. She can't cry, she mustn't. Crying was never allowed among assassins.

Maki didn't stop running, even when she heard Kaito chasing after her. She didn't want to stop running no matter how much her heart hurt doing so. She burst through the tree line towards a pond that the park had. It was located more towards the centre of the park, a far distance away from city lights. The water was fairly still. The light from the half moon hit the water, illuminating it just a little. Outside the moonlight, due to not having the lights from the city coming down on it, the water looked inky black. Maki wondered if something would come out from the blackness and swallow her up. She would actually like that to happen. It would be nice in a way. It would help get her away from the situation that she is now in.

Maki had reached the pond and was getting ready to run around it to try to lose Kaito. The only problem was her body was betraying her so much. She suddenly felt drained and her legs had almost gone numb. Her heart was pounding harshly, making her head hurt. Her chest was tight, making it hard for her to breathe. With all of these happening at once, her body was slowing down. This never happened to her before and she didn't know how to handle it. Maki tried to force her body to go faster as she heard Kaito easily catching up to her. He carefully, but firmly grabbed her wrist. This forced her to stop running all together.

"Please, hear me out. Just let me say one thing. Please." Kaito begged, his voice desperate. Maki hated that tone of voice that he used. It made her hurt more.

"What is it?" She asked, her voice tired and strained. She couldn't bring herself to look at him, it would probably make her feel worse than she is. Kaito took a deep breath as he slowly turned Maki to face him. She looked so drained, as if all of her emotions were let out in just that one outburst. He could see that she was forcing herself not to cry. He lifted her chin slightly so he could look into her eyes. While her face was blank, her eyes betrayed her true feelings. Kaito hesitates, wondering what she might do if he does this. He wondered if he shouldn't do it, but he doesn't stop himself. Before Maki could process what had happened, Kaito brought his lips to hers. Maki gasped and tried to push him away. Kaito held her firmly, keeping one hand on the back of her head and the other on her waist. It took a few seconds, but Maki's tense body suddenly relaxed. She placed her hands on Kaito's shoulders as she returns the kiss. It was deep and passionate. The world around them dissolved, even the ground underneath their feet. It was like they were floating on air. They couldn't hear or feel anything around them. They were lost in their own world. It felt perfect, being frozen in time like this.

After a full minute, the vampire and human pulled apart, the need for air overcoming them both. They took deep breathes. Kaito looks deeply into Maki's eyes, seeing nothing but the love that she had poured out to him, with his own eyes returning the feelings in kind.

"I love you." Was all Kaito could say as he wrapped his arms around Maki like a blanket. Maki only nuzzled into his warmth. She didn't need to say anything at that point. Kaito stroked her hair as he continued. "I'll never take your blood. And I'll get stronger for you. I promise."

"Thank you. And I'll be waiting." Maki whispered, pulling back slightly to look up at Kaito. She felt lighter. Her chest, heart, head and body stopped hurting. It made her feel better than ever, like nothing could hurt her again.

"I almost forgot. I believe you lost this." Kaito smiled, digging into his pocket. Maki couldn't keep her smile off of her face as he suddenly pulled out her flower pin and clipped it back into place. She thought that it was taken along with the rest of her clothes the night before. She felt happy to see it again. She looked up at Kaito again. They looked into each other's eyes again. They were getting ready to kiss again when the sound of an explosion and bright colours interrupted them. They turned towards where the festival was as they heard loud cheering. They grinned as they watched the fireworks in the sky. Kaito wrapped his arms around Maki like there was nothing else that he wanted to do. Maki relaxed in his hold completely, wanting to feel safe and warm. As they watched the fireworks, feeling nothing but warmth that they have. As they watched the fireworks, they both thought of one thing.

The future suddenly looks a whole lot brighter.

The End.

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