Episode 10: Unflashy Confessions

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Warning: 의사 선생님, 화주들은 숨이 차요! (Doctor, the shippers are out of breath!)

This episode still hadn't sunk in...I am still...savouring it. We, the shippers, may be out of breath but we are celebrating! Our ships seem to be heading to the right directions! Typhoon Ambo failed to capsize them! (Well, at least, on this episode....) So, for the....

Most Understanding Boyfriend Award: Kim Jun Wan

The ByuntaeBidulgi ship might be sailing on disturbed waters, but Jun Wan, proving his love for Ik Sun, is doing his best to be the man she deserves. The meet up with her social club, the gosu-loaded dinner, finding out from Chi Hong about her acceptance for the doctorate program and not getting mad about it, and lastly, telling Ik Sun that they "will find a way" show how much Jun Wan loves her. He wants her to be happy even at his own expense. Of course, he may prefer their relationship to go his way (because 'their' way does not coincide), but he also knows that would not be fair for her. Whatever "way" they find, we will be here to cheer them on.🤗

Most Self-Deluded Award: Ahn Jeong Won

As for the WinterGarden ship...Jeong Won may still have his departure scheduled at the end of the year, but we want to think that he is now having doubts about it. Turning over his responsibilities as Daddy-Long Legs to Song Hwa may have sealed his decision of leaving to become a priest, but what he does and say around Ik Jun and Gyeo Eul showed otherwise. He may not seem to care about the 'con' in the conference room, but he casually thanked Gyeo Eul for choosing him over Ik Jun. His silence when asked if he likes Gyeo Eul to the point that he doubts becoming a priest, seemed to show confirmation. His reaction to Ik Jun's provocation to admit his feelings seemed to show denial. And his countenance when Ik Jun told him he wanted Gyeo Eul to be happy with him seemed to show defeat. He's obviously torn into two, because his decision will either be based on his heart or mind. Jeong Won should know what we want! And we want it this season!😍

Clueless Award: Yang Seuk Hyung

Dauntlessness Award: Chu Min Ha

Aah...the OB GYN ship—SeukMin.

Who else is more clueless than Seuk Hyung? He is so clueless he might really need a PA like Ik Jun to remind him of it. (That scene was a laughtrip!😂) Min Ha has been into him since episode 1, but he never seems to notice. He needed to be knocked some sense into—by Min Ha, of course. She, asking him to give her a ride to the subway, her implication that he is jealous because a guy calls her at least 10 times a day, her unwavering confession that she likes him, and lastly, telling him that she just wants to share how she feels and he doesn't have to answer, show how dauntless she is. She may well know that she could be rejected, but still she went on with it. No wonder Seuk Hyung was left speechless long after Min Ha was out of his car. I hope this ship reaches its destination, but like Seuk Hyung, it's a little slow, so it may well do in season 2.😁

Selflessness Award: Lee Ik Jun

Best Prospective Eommeoni for U Ju Award: Chae Song Hwa

오모! 오모! We were all caught off-guarded by this ship! They stole the entire show!

Ik Jun, since episode 1, had been described as self-centered, mainly by Jun Wan. But he proved otherwise. His efforts to help a patient with the hospital bills and accepting to do a risky second surgery to a patient from another hospital just show his dedication to his profession. Being an agent for Gyeo Eul, watching Jeong Won being happy with his patient and 'nagging' at him just show how much committed he is to his friends.

But,that scene with Song Hwa was the icing on the cake! Her coming over as quickly as she can to watch over U Ju, him coming home to her and his son cuddling in the same position as they did the previous night, the look on his face as he quietly closed the bedroom door—pure, unconditional and unspoken love. I am pretty sure I wasn't the only one suppressing a scream of romantic excitement and delight on that dainty confession...I lost count of how many times I replayed that scene. The way he gazed at Song Hwa and slowly blinked his eyes...오모! 내 마음이 녹아내렸어! My heart melted! Ik Jun partly bared his heart. But Song Hwa's reaction may be a little confusing: turning away from his gaze, not noticing the rain, and changing the subject...Well...who wouldn't be? If the mutual feeling has beenthere for 20 years and just managed to resurface now?! Ik Jun needs to step up his game or U Ju might get married before he does. Shin PD and Writer Lee better give this to us...or heads will roll....😁🥰😍

The Playlist: Confession Is Not Flashy by Lee Seung Hwan. We've been hearing this song way back from the previous episodes, but IkJun and Jeong Won singing two different verses of the song well summarizes what they are feeling respectively. If that is so, then we are getting what we are asking for.🥰

Rating: Let's gamble on this one...a bunch of redroses....🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


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