But he only thought that maybe, they were only caring about his well-being, like how they always do.

Bakunawa chuckled a bit while looking at the moon god's contorting face. He gently curled the tips of Libulan's hair since the guardian of the moons was sitting on his lap as they enjoy the breathtaking view of the mortal's realm from up there.

“You read a lot, yeah right,” Bakunawa mocked.

Libulan’s glowing eyes suddenly met his even if it was behind a veil, but the glow was enough for the serpent to silent himself.

Scary, he thought.

"I have read every entirety of this world’s textbooks, including heaven, hell, and mortal world. There is just some knowledge I could not grasp because I was prohibited to know nor read them. Since, it is not part of my duty as a moon guardian anyway. So, mostly, my textbooks are all about how one should rule over his realm, strategies to overcome adversities and others that would assist me in my growth as the newly chosen guardian of the moons," Libulan explained before pouting a bit, crossing his arms as he pulled his hair away from Bakunawa's hand, who, on the other hand, raised his hands in surrender.

"I know, I have always been watching you, remember?" Bakunawa said.

"Huh, always disturbing me like a looming shadow from behind! I am surprised that Mayari and Malyari haven't caught you yet!"

"That's what I'm great at! Hiding! I could hide a spacious lake from the eyes of a mere god. What more me? Hiding myself from two powerful moon goddesses?"

Libulan only squinted his eyes at the witty serpent god before leaning his back on Bakunawa's bare chest. "You can now explain to me what a dream or vision is, abductor." Bakunawa laughed heartily because of the sulking tone he heard from Libulan.

To make it up to him, he began to trace his blackened fingers along Libulan's pale skin, leaving disappearing marks of ancient letters regarding visions.

It was fascinating for the moon god.

"Deities like you often have visions of their past, present, or future that tells you, or warns you about something. Mortals may call it a deceitful vision, or dream. But to a deity, it holds a special meaning. So, this one shouldn't be ignored all the time," he explained, snuggling close to Libulan who was in deep thoughts.

"Then... whatever I saw that night… might foretell my future? B-but but it is a horrible vision..." said Libulan before gasping when Bakunawa playfully bit his shoulder. The moon god almost let out a yelp, but Bakunawa opened his mouth wider to leave a bite mark on Libulan's nape, yet he was quick to stop himself. Though it was tempting that he decided to leave trail of kisses from Libulan's shoulder down to his hand.

“I thought you are not eating me!”

“I did not say I cannot have a taste,” he looked away, smirking.

Libulan, on the other hand, was flustered and blushing from the sudden act that he couldn't understand why his tummy feels funny all of a sudden.

Bakunawa's eyes only glowed brighter, grinning from ear to ear as he leaned closer to inhale the intoxicating scent that Libulan would always carry around him.

“Idiot,” Libulan scrunched his nose, pushing the serpent god’s face away.

"Hehe," is all Bakunawa could reply before Libulan smacked him away, but the serpent god didn't let go of him.

"You are more important than whatever it is yo-" The serpent god was hushed when Libulan casted a binding spell on his lips, making the serpent god unable to speak for a while.

"This is important to me and... you are the only being I have in life that I could entrust this with. I do not know who to trust anymore. The two goddesses whom I believed to have taken care of me, is actually manipulating my memories… I need to know why… there must be something about me that they never told me about."

Libulan, The Moon God (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now