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I woke up feeling positive, I don't know what it is but I feel like I  actually stand a chance to get the job at the fertility clinic. I woke up early so I could travel with Fiona,  I jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to bath then went back to my room to get dressed.

The number one rule when you're going to submit job applications is to alway dress comfortably because there is a lot of walking involved but also to look presentable, depending on the chances of actually getting the job. This wasn't one of my random CV deliveries, I had to make sure that I make an impression at the clinic. Make them want to call me in for an interview. My hair has been braided a into a fishbone hairstyle so I just brushed it and made sure I look neat and presentable.

"Are you ready? we will be leaving in a few minutes" Fiona says as she packs her lunch

"Yea, I'm all done, I plan on making a few stops before coming back home" I say as I reach for an apple and my handbag and we make our way to the clinic. Luckily it takes just one taxi to get there so in no time we are getting off the taxi and making our way to the entrance.

"hey Sana, this is the friend I told you about yesterday, she's here to submit the application for the vacant receptionpost" Fiona said when we stopped at the reception

"oh hi, I'm Masana" the lady looked at me and smiled as we shook hands

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Nsuku" I responded with a smile too and just then I saw it. The look on her face said a lot and I've seen it many times before

"the post is already filled isn't it?" I asked and she nodded reluctantly

"but how? It was just advertised yesterday " Fiona asked

"I know, there were already people in the vacancy data base so one of them got the job. If you don't mind I could keep your information in the database too, when something comes up you'll get first preference" Masana said and I nodded, scared that if I begin to talk I'll just cry. I had hope and once again it's crushed.

She handed me some forms to fill in and Fiona went to prepare for her shift after making sure I was okay, I sat on one of the chairs in the reception filling in the forms when someone came to sit next to me, I looked up and saw this handsome guy in a suit, he was busy glancing at his watch like he just wants to be done with whatever he's there for which clearly isn't to seek employment.

I lookes up and our eyes met causing me to quickly look back at my forms as I quickly went back to minding my own business, I finished with the forms and gave them back to Masana.

"I'm really sorry, but I promise as soon as something comes up I'll give you a call" she said with a warm smile and I just forced a smile and nodded then made my way out.

I dropped my documents off at a few other places then made my way home. I decided to take a nap, I'll start again tomorrow and I won't stop until I get something. At this point, giving up isn't an option.

Fiona came back in the evening just after I finished making supper, she quickly went to change and came back to join me as we ate while watching TV.

"so, about today... I'm really sorry" she said

"You did nothing wrong, you were trying to help and even though it didn't work out I really appreciate your effort" I said and I meant each word

"well it wasn't totally a bad day" she said as she munched on her spaghetti and mince

"What do you mean?"

"well, someone was there to find a surrogate today and they saw you and instantly picked you"

I choked on my food and started coughing, after a glass of water I spoke up " What? That's not what I was there for"

"I know but he wants to make you an offer, don't you think it's worth a try? Look I'm not saying make it a full time career, just something to get you some cash while you still job hunt"

I considered what she was saying, is surrogacy really a bad thing? I mean I'd be helping a couple bring their baby to life and I'd get paid for it. Get paid just for being pregnant, it can't be that bad but what would I tell my parents, what would people say if they find out what I'm doing just for money.

"I hear you, it's just... I've never seen myself as a surrogate"

"It's not as bad or scary as you think it is, remember I work at a fertility clinic so I see these things and this guy really wants you to be the surrogate, I even told him that you've never carried a baby before which is one of the main requirements to qualify you as a suitable surrogate but he's determined" she pressed on

"ok, can I at least think about it?"

"of course, but he wants an answer by tomorrow so you have this whole evening and night to think it through" she said and we just continued eating and watching TV.

Later I went to my bedroom, took my phone and went straight to Google, I searched for everything surrogacy, the process, everything it entails. I spent the night educating myself, if I'm going to agree to this I need to know exactly what I'm getting myself into.

By midnight I had made up my mind. I'm doing this. Forget what people say or think. Well except for my parents. I'll need to hide this from them somehow meaning I can't go home when I start showing. I can go in the first three months and again after giving birth. That shouldn't be suspicious at all.

I was a bit shocked at how I was already making plans to make this work, must be the desperation talking

This is one opportunity I can't afford to lose so I'm going to grab it with both hands. At this point I have no choice, I either become a surrogate and make money or I go back home with nothing to show but a four year useless university degree. I think its clear where the scale is tipping at .

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