Its cold outside and its getting dark. I finally hit my bottom by being a homeless.

"I will not cry". I tell myself then I start to humming one of song that I always sing when I feel lost. "All I need is me. All I need is me.. I know.. I know.. I—"

Then I suddenly feel cold hand wipe tears which just fall to my cheek. I look up and see a man who's wrapped in big puffy jacket and scarves around his neck. He wears grey hat but I can recognize him only by seeing his eyes through his glasses.

"What are you doing here ?" I ask as I wipe my tears. My voice sounds rough maybe its the cold, maybe it's the sadness.

"I should've be the one who asked you that question. What are you doing here ? It's cold, you shouldn't be here." Namjoon says, he sounds worries judging by his tone.

"I'm okay. i just— I plan to go to somewhere—ehm—" I stand up as I pull my luggage up.

"Live with me." He says.

"Kim Namjoon—ssi..."

"Live with us." He says again.

"I can't." I look at him and suddenly tears just keep falling and my body feels weak. There's something about these men, they making me show them the weak side of me which I even barely show to anyone, ever. But weirdly when I'm with them, it feels like they could see right through me and I let them, gladly.

"Why ? Is it because what happened the other day ? Yuna—"

"I can't live with you. I look up to you guys for years. I'm a huge fan of yours. You guys are the only good thing that happened in my life. Nothing works out right. And I— I don't want to ruin it. I don't want to end up with nothing. It's silly I know.."

"Yuna, we can— I can—"

"Namjoon-ssi, I'm a freak !" Namjoon looks startles by my sudden raise of voice.

"I'm a weirdo. I don't know if its because of my wolf or I'm just weird but what I know for sure I'm not normal, Im not like other girls. I wish I am but I'm not. You will the worst in me if I live with you guys. You will be disgusted with who I—"

"Yuna..." Namjoon calls my name gently everytime I catch my breath in between sentences.

"I'm a weirdo. I do things that normally people wouldn't do. I'm disgusting and I hate myself—"

"Yuna, don't say that.."

"I'm not normal." I say looking deeply to his eyes.

"Yuna, I know you're not. I am too. I'm not normal. Now tell me, are you disgusted by me ?" Namjoon asks.

"You're Kim Namjoon, how can I disgusted by you ?"

"I am the Kim Namjoon people know. But you also know I am the Kim Namjoon who fucks a silicon pussy." He snorts and I follow. "Are you disgusted by me ?"

"Of course not." i breath.

"We can be weird together. You and me, and also the rest of members. We all can be weird together. You can live with us—"

"But I—"

"Wait—" He points his finger and flicks the tip pf my nose. "Of course not for free. You will need to get back to work and pay us back. Hows that sound ?"

What should I do ? Nana, what should I do ?

"You can tell seven of us has been working a lot. There's no time to date. Well, some of us just aren't interested with dating life. And some others just couldn't get attracted to pure human. They don't get us. They don't get our needs and desire. And as for me, I choose not to break hearts and mine too." Namjoon explains on the car on our way to their apartments.

"Is that why you guys have so many sex toys ?" I ask plainly.

"Tsk, you found them, huh ? Honestly, as a man I also have need especially with pressure and stress that I have at work. And I'm also not a hundred percent a human, I'm a wolf too. I don't know about yours but mine is extremely needy."

"Mine too."

"Really ?" He glances and raising his eyesbrows out of disbelief.

"Actually it only happens since I meet you guys. Like— I could get really— you know ?"

"Horny ?" Namjoon smirks.

"That. —when I see you guys. I thought it's because I'm a fangirl well maybe not. Maybe it's because we both wolves and our wolves are just craving for each other. If not, why would I do that to your toy ?"

"So you really suck my cum out of that toy ?" He smirks.

God, why does he need to bring that up now.

I roll my eyes, showing my annoyance. "You will never let that go, huh ?"

He crosses his legs, resting his chin on his palm as his elbow rest to his chair. "Nope."

The grins. It's so annoying but really attractive especially when his dimples pop out like that.

"I— I don't usually do that, you know ?" I say as I pull down my hoodie covering down to my nose hoping the world will swallow me instead.

"Yeah, yeah. You told me many times. But... you know what ? I like that." I hear him say.

What ? He likes it ?

I slowly pull up my hoodie to see him. There they are, the dimples. He looks so good to the point its just annoying now.

"You— like it ?" I hesitantly ask.

"Of course." He smiles wide. "All my life I feel like I'm always different. I don't belong. Music is what keeps me sane. Music can brings people together. No matter who you are. But somehow when the lights out and I'm alone in my room, suddenly I feel all alone again because I'm different and not... normal."

He smiles again once his eyes lock into mine then he say, "I'm glad I met you, Yuna."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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