"I use it. I don't know if you know that I— Taehyung-ssi are you okay ?" He seriously doesn't look okay. Wolves aren't generally weak, well usually omegas are.

"Im not okay. I'm battling my wolf right now. If its up to him, you are so done right now." His dark stares send chills all over me. I wonder if I should leave now. I never meet other wolf I don't know what to do or to expect from this.

"Yah !" He suddenly yells at me. "Just— just go to the bathroom, clean yourself. I can still smell you !"

He's not the same. It's like different people. What is he so mad about ? I frown and make my own way to the restroom as I slowly lift up my armpit.

"You're not stink." I heard Taehyung says behind me. I slowly turn around, I find him smiling bitterly.

"Did you seriously just smell your armpit ?" He then finally snorts and laughs a little. I don't know why but I feel a bit relief seeing his smile.

"I was tidying up the house maybe I— smell a bit I'm sorry. I know wolves has sensitive smelling sense, I'm sorry—"

"Are you playing dumb ?" He asks in such serious tone. Tsk, this man has duality like no others. I seriously can't read him.

The way he walks towards me really intimidating. He puts his one hand to his pant as his other hand ruffles his fluffy permed hair. He then stops and leans on me. I should say something or do something but I can't.

I'm stunned, something about him.... that makes me can't move my body.

"You're so green." He reaches for my hair and twirls few strands with his fingers. "So easy to control."

He presses his nose into my ear as he takes a deep breath, sniffing almost, gently. "Your scent... intoxicating. It's sweet... so sweet.. though I don't usually like sweet.. it's different with yours."

His voice... why can't I move ? Even one finger ? What's happening ?

He slowly puts his hand on my waist as he sniffs more. He presses his face down to my neck. This is nuts. I hate myself, I hate myself more to feel turn on by this, especially I'm still wet from what I did on Namjoon's room. My pussy is twitching so bad it hurts. I hate myself.

He hums into my ear again. "Why ? Does my voice turn you on ? I can sense you're making pool down there ? So so sweet.. I can clean it up for you if you want. But I can't promise you I can stop once I start."

I shut my eyes, please just— just let me move. "You're scared ? You're scared of me ?"

I slowly open my eyes finding his eyes, they look sad. "I—I am.."

He sighs smiling weakly before he pulls away and sits right back. "Go clean yourself. I saw you a glimpse you brought backup panties on your bag. I guess you knew this could happened to you. Go, you know what to do."

"Make sure your pussy is clean before the rest of them go home."

"Do you have any questions ?" Namjoon asks. Everyone looks at me in worried expressions while I can tell Yoongi is more like observing. He's the only who doesn't say anything. Although he doesn't have to, it's already too much as it is for me.

"So, you can smell my arousal ?" I ask for confirmation.

"Generally male wolves can sense female's arousal. You know, for mating purposes." Namjoon shrugs. "But.. yours are already strong for us even though you say you're not even in heat. I can't imagine when you are."

"So... that explains a lot."

That explains why earlier Taehyung was pissed off because he can smell my arousal. Oh my God, that was embarrassing.

"I'm—I'm sorry." I say to Taehyung who sits across me and immediately it brings everyone's attention.

"Wait, why are you apologizing to him ?" Jimin raises an eyebrow, sitting beside Taehyung.

"I was..." then I realize what I did was horrible and really unprofessional. "I'm sorry maybe this isn't the job for me. I can't—"

"Wait— wait. Hold up, what's going on exactly ? Taehyung, care to explain ?" Hoseok asks.

"Why are you asking me while you can ask her and there's no way she will tell you lie ?" Taehyung asks Hoseok back again.

"You can't do that to her, Hyung. You should ask first if she wants to talk about it or not." Jungkook tells Hoseok.

I can't work here. I need to come up with reasons without exposing myself. "It's just— my old boss begs me to come back work for him again. He's old and he needs someone to run his business while he's taking breaks." I quickly say, so they wouldn't notice.

"Yuna." Finally Yoongi says a word. I gulp as I know it probably wouldn't be a good sign. "Do you know what Alpha can do ? What power they hold to Omega, hmm ?"

Again, I can't move as I lock my eyes into Yoongi. Its like what happened with Taehyung. The difference is not just my body, I also can't think much. It's a lot stronger influence than Taehyung has.

"So Yuna, tell us what happened."

To be continued...

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