Part 3

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Your POV

I woke up in the same room as yesterday with that damned collar on. I was no longer in my headspace and I realized just how bad this situation is. I noticed my captors weren't in my room. I pulled on the collar, trying to get it off. Just when I started to get dizzy, my captors walked into the room. I continued pulling at the collar, and started to scratch my neck, doing anything I could to get it off. Dabi came and grabbed my hands again. This time, he tied them behing my back. Luckily for me, I'm flexible. I pulled my hands to my feet, pulled them over my feet, and continued trying to get the collar off of my neck. Dabi looked shocked and Todoroki looked irritated. I still didn't stop. I started getting dizzy again. This time, it was Todoroki who grabbed my hands. He jerked my head up, forcing me to look at him. "The more you fight it, the longer it stays on. So stop fighting it and act right. Or, you can just have consequences to your actions. And stop irritating me. You don't want to make me mad," he said, letting go of my hands. I went right back to pulling at the collar. "Did you listen to anything that I just said," he asked. "I don't listen to lowlife criminals llike you," I replied with attitude. "Allright. I warned you that there would be consequences if you kept fighting us. Dabi. Lay her over my knee," he commanded. Dabi picked me up and put me over Todoroki's knee. Todoroki hed me in place with one hand, and prepared to hit me with the other. "Count," he said. Tgen he hit my ass once. I didn't count. "I'll keep this up until you count. You only have to count to twenty. Unless you're retarded, you should have no problem doing so," he said. "Then I guess I'm retarded," I said, with the same attitude as earlier. He hit me 49 more times before the pain started to take effect. I then started counting. He had hit me a total of 70 times. I was sobbing by the end of it. he pulled me into his arms as I cried, slowly falling into my headspace to try to ignore the pain. "Was that so hard," he asked. "N-no," I said. "It huwts," I told him. "That was your punishment. you made it almost 4 times worse than it had to be. You have to learn to listen baby, headspace or not. I nodded my head yes. "Can I have a paci. Pwease," I asked him. "Of course princess," he told me. Dabi went to a box that I noticed was filled with my littlespace stuff from my room. when he walked towards me with the paci, I smiled and made grabby hands. He chuckled and handed it to me. I was still in Todoroki's lap and I crawled out and walked to Dabi. I hugged him. "Tank ou," I told him. "No problem little mouse," he told me. I giggled at the new nickname. I went to where my pillow was and tried to curl up. Key word TRIED. It was to painful. I whined at the pain and covered myself up with the fuzzy blanket as I went back to laying straight up and down. I started to close my eyes and drift off. Before darkness hit me, I heard Todoroki say, "Have a nice nap princess. We'll wake you up in an hour so you can eat. My eyes shot open. "I don't want food," I said, instantly regretting it. "I'm sowwy," I said quickly. "It's okay to tell us you don't want something princess. It's when you don't do what we tell you that you get in trouble. Never apologize for voicing what you want or need okay," he asked. I nodded my head yes. "Good girl," he said. I giggled at the praise. "Mousey, if I bring you up some food will you eat half of it. Please. For Dabi and Todoroki," he asked. I nodded my head yes and held out my pinky. He came over and locked pinkies with me. He ruffled my hair smiling. I giggled. "Silly mouse," he said. I put my arms out for a hug and he accepted. I reached my arms out towards Todoroki and made grabby hands. He chuckled and walked over to me and gave me the hug I wanted. "Dabi's going to go downstairs to get the food okay princess," he told me. I nodded my head yes slowly, not wanting to be with Todoroki alone after him hurting me. I just didn't feel safe. He put me in his lap and told me, "I'm sorry you got hurt earlier, but I needed to teach you that it's not okay to hurt yourself. You could've damaged your brain by shocking yourself that much. And if you scratched at your neck enough, you could die. And I don't want that for you. Okay," he said. I nodded my head yes. "Words princess," he said. "Otay," I told him. A small smile appeared on his face. "If I take off the collar, are you going to be a good girl," he asked me. "Yes," I told him. He took the collar off of me and I hugged him. "Tank ou," I told him. He smiled again. "No problem princess." Dabi came back up with my food and a baby bottle with water in it. I ate the food slowly, so I wouldn't get sick. When I finished all the food they looked at each other and smiled. Todoroki picked me up and placed me on his hip. Dabi booped my nose. I giggled. "You did such a good job little mouse," Dabi told me. "She did, didn't she," Todoroki said. I started to feel just a little more at home. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I made it out to be.

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