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You quickly woke up when a loud knock was at your bed room door, Thranduil jumped up and grabbed his robe wrapping it around him all the way. His bare shoulders showed at the top and almost invisible blonde hair lay over his light skin. With the lack of Thranduil's body heat in the bed, you pulled the sheets closer around yourself. You couldn't hear what Thranduil was saying but you knew it was a guard, and something was wrong. Very wrong. Thranduil shut the door and turned around sighing.

"What is wrong my love?" You ask sitting up, letting the sheets fall where they may. He looked at you forcing a gentle smile.

"Av-'osto Silme" Thranduil murmured, he leaned across the bed supporting himself on his hands. His robe fell exposing his bare chest and he shivered at the sudden cold. Kissing you on the forehead he smiled again and went to get dressed.

"Avon." You smiled back with false joy knowing that something much deeper was happening. Something darker.

"Go back to sleep my darling, I will be back soon." Thranduil returned from the bathroom finishing the clasps on his silver robe.

"Le melin" you call after him.

"Le melin" he answered, knowing that it really meant you were very afraid.


You had fallen asleep and what seemed like minutes later you were awoken by Thranduil sliding into bed next to you. His robes and shoes laying on a nearby chair.

"Tolo Silme." He said pulling you into his arms. You easily slid across the silken sheets towards his chest. Your head rest on his shoulder, you could hear a steady beat of his heart.

"Thranduil?" You asked with short puffs of breath that hit his collar bone hard.

"Yes my angel?" He kissed the top of your head finding peace in your presence.

"What is going on? I need to know. And don't say nothing. You were gone for hours and even now I can tell that you're not at ease, love of mine please tell me." You scooted back and rubbed his face.

"There has been troubles with spiders crossing into the kingdom. Today several young edhel were killed by them." He said with much difficulty.

"Are we safe? Is Legolas safe?" You asked with panic.

"I have it under control. There are hunters out taking care of these intruders." He looked down at you.

Your head laid on his bicep and your fingers traced over his Adam's apple and collar bones. Silence pressed around you like a thick fur.

"Do you promise?" You said finally

"I promise Silme, I promise."

Av-'osto- Don't be afraid
Silme- starlight
Avon- I won't
Le melin- I love you
Tolo- come
Edhel- elves

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