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Third-person POV-

Heatwave woke up first and saw a human hugging him, she had long pale brown hair and wore a grey hoodie and leggings, then he looked at himself and saw his holo form. It wasn't a hologram, it was real, his hologram had dark brown hair, brown eyes and wore a random hoodie and jeans with a firefighter cap. So that woman who is hugging him is Quickshadow?!
"Quickshadow, wake up, we fell asleep near the cliff," says Heatwave.
She opens her eyes, they're a beautiful bright blue, "Heatwave is that you?! Why are you in your holo-form?"
"I'm not, I'm a human somehow," he replies
"Oh, my primus, am I a human too, stupid question but h-how??" she rambles.

Heatwave carries her, "Heatwave what are you doing?!" she says, but he doesn't put her down. "I'm carrying you to the firehouse, duh," he says.
When they got there they saw the other bots,  Blades looked like his holo-form but older, Boulder had black hair, black eyes, some shirt, jeans on, and had a green cap on like Graham's, Chase looked like Heatwave but had a police uniform on and had dark blonde hair. After the bots saw Heatwave carry Quickshadow, Blades asked, "Aww are you two together?", they both blushed a deep red and screamed at Blades.

"Alright, Bots, we decorated the bunker for you guys, it's a living space for you guys!", says Chief.
"Thank you, Chief Burns," says Quickshadow.
"OMP thanks," says Blades.
"Thank you, sir," says Chase politely.

A/N- who ships Dani and Blades x

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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