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Heatwave's POV:
I was beating the crap out of my dummy and trying to get her out of my head, ugh she's at Griffin Rock too, this will be difficult. 

Nobodies POV:
"Alright, everyone, lights out," says Chief.
"Night everyone, except Kade," says Dani, shooting a death stare at Kade.
"Ugh, it wasn't my fault Dani, your hair is green because of Graham," says Kade.
"Alright settle down, goodnight Bots," says Chief

As everyone settles into their rooms, Heatwave sneaks out through a tunnel, and he's clueless
that Quickshadow is following him...

Quickshadow's POV:
I wonder where he's going, normally he's against sneaking out but I guess this is personal or something. Oh wait he stopped at.. the cliffs??!  What is he doing here?! It's dangerous!  He's stopped at the edge to sit down.. maybe I should see what's going on..
"H-heatwave??," I say, in an unusually soft voice.
"Who is i- oh hey Quickshadow," he replies in an unusually softer voice.
"Why are you here?"
"I don't really know, I felt like it and I didn't feel that well"
"Oh okay, want some company?"
"Sure, you're here anyways" 
We talked for a bit,
"Thanks Quickshado-"
Then he laid limp in my arms.. I panicked "HEATWAVE" , is  he okay??  I poured some water on his servos, he woke up.
"HEATWAVE are you alright, what happened?!" I asked, practically shouting at him.
"Yeah, I'm fine... no I'm not," he said, then started to silently cry.. I immediately hugged him and we stayed like that for the rest of the night.

A/N- sorry this is short, this is my first time doing this and I swear the good parts in the next chapter C:<

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