He kept to himself most days. He didn't bother to fix up the house, the noise would attract unwanted attention. When he needed groceries, he'd do yard work for the neighbors, as they're all elderly; almost everyone in this area was retired. But aside from that, Bucky kept to himself. He stayed holed up in the house, trying to piece together his past, and figure out where to go next. That all changed one day when somebody knocked on his door.

Maybe they'll go away, he thinks to himself as he hears them knock once more. Please go away.

The woman tries the door and when it opens, makes her way inside.

You gotta be kidding me. This is the opposite of going away, Bucky thinks to himself in annoyance as he makes his way further inside. Now I have to hide somewhere.

The woman marvels at the old house before turning to the left. Fucking creaky floors he thinks to himself as he moves into the kitchen.

"Hello? Anyone there? My name is Diane, I'm with Spectrum. Do you have cable? Internet?" she calls.

Fuck. I'm cornered.

"Hello? Sir, you don't have to hide! I don't mean any harm. I'm sorry I allowed myself into your home. I'm Diane with Spectrum. I was wondering, how much do you pay a month for your tv service? Because right now, we have a promotion going on. TV and internet bundle for-"

Diane loses her train of thought when Bucky steps out of the shadows. She takes him in. Long, dark, greasy hair framing his face, unkept beard, wrinkled clothes.

"Are you alright?" she asks him softly. Bucky looks away with a slight frown on his face, almost as if he's thinking of his answer. Eventually he turns back to her and nods his head.

"Oh, you poor thing. When was the last time you ate? Or showered? And what happened to your arm?" she asks.

Bucky looks towards his left arm and turns to Diane once more before shrugging. "They fixed me."

"Who's they?"

Bucky shrugs once more. Where do I start, lady?

"Whoever they are, will they be coming back for you?"

At this Bucky shakes his head vigorously.

"No, please. I don't want to go with them. I can't."

"Why not?"


Diane looks at him and sighs, looking around the house. "Well, you can't stay here. There's no running water, or electricity. What's your name?"


"Well Bucky, I think you should come back home with me. You can shower, eat a nice warm meal, sleep in a comfy bed. Just until you get back on your feet and figure out what your next step is. What do you say?"



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