"Y/N? Are you alright?" Bucky asks you.

You shake your head and look at him. He looks just like him. Like James. But that doesn't make any sense. How do you know what James even looks like? Sure, Bucky is his grandson, but what are the odds that they look identical? Why are you getting flashes of something that happened over a hundred years ago? You face Bucky once more, wanting to hear how the story ends.

"How did she die Bucky?"

"She took her own life. Poison."

"No." you say, shaking your head, "No. You're wrong. She wouldn't do that."

"After that, his life became unbearable."

"She loved him. She was willing to put up with all the name calling and rumors to be with him."

"And so without hope, without love, without Josephine, he hung himself."

You couldn't stop the tears if you tried. Why is his death causing you such distress? Why is hers? Why are you so adamant to defend someone's relationship when you weren't even alive to bear witness to it?

"His soul wanders these halls waiting for her to return. If you listen carefully you can still hear the beating of his broken heart. Come, there's something I want you to see." he says, leading you to a different room.

"This was going to be her wedding dress"

"Oh, Bucky. It's beautiful." you tell him, taking in the dress. It was a floor length gown with subtle beading all around the bodice. It was simple but it was breathtaking and although you've never met her, you can't help but think it matched Josephine perfectly.

"It would have been more beautiful if she had actually had a chance to wear it. Now it just serves as a sad reminder of what could have been."

"To love someone so much and then lose them so suddenly. I can't imagine how awful that must be."

"If you truly love someone they never leave you. They remain in your heart forever. Sometimes, if you're lucky enough, they return to you. In another life. You just have to be patient. Do you believe that love is about second chances? About forgiveness?"

"Yes, of course."

"Don't you remember?" Bucky asks you suddenly.

"Remember? Bucky, are you alright?"

"Don't you recognize me at all?"


"James! It's James. You've always called me James. Please tell me you remember." he cries, trying to reach out to you.

"I don't understand. Why do you go by Bucky if that's your middle name?"

Bucky shrugs, "Everyone's always called me that."

"Well I'm not everyone, so I'm gonna call you James, okay?"

"You can call me whatever you want, sugar."

"No. I'm sorry. I don't know what you're-"

"I thought, maybe if you came back to Barnes Manor it would help you remember."

"Remember what?!"

"Remember us! Me!"

"I don't know you!" you cry, taking more and more steps away from him, slowly trying to make your way towards the door.

"Yes you do! You've simply forgotten for a moment, but that's okay! You can remember." he says as he drags you to the ballroom.

"Do you remember that night? Where we danced together for the last time before you...before you killed yourself?"

"No" you say, shaking your head, trying to pull your arms out of his grasp.

"But now you've returned to me, and we can finally be together. I've waited so long for you, my love."

"You have me confused with someone else" you cry.

"Why won't you remember?! You were my world! My life! And I have loved you in death as I did in life!"

"Let me go!" you scream and that finally seems to snap him out of it. Bucky's grip loses the slightest bit, but you're able to break away from him and run out of the room.

"Josephine wait! Please don't go! I'm sorry!" He shouts after you but you're already in your room.

"I shouldn't have come here" you say to yourself as you quickly put your things back in your bag.

"You're right," a voice says from behind you. You turn around and come face to face with Alexander.

"You shouldn't have" he says as he closes the door, locking it behind him.

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