Part Four

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"Although it's a bit worn and faded now, this house was once filled with so much life. Grand parties filled with dancing and laughter. Everyone was always welcome here. The place was filled with love and warmth."

"It sounds amazing." you say, envisioning the place filled with people in elaborate dresses and suits, twirling around the room. "What happened?"

Bucky's quiet for a long time, seemingly lost in thought before he finally answers, "She did."

"Who did?"


"Josephine...your Josephine?" you ask.

"She died here. In this house. It shouldn't have happened. She was so young, so beautiful. So sweet and strong and stubborn. And she died, when she didn't deserve to. She was in love, you know."

"She was?" you ask, mourning the loss of this woman that you don't even know, but somehow, it feels as if you do.

"She was in love with the heir to this mansion."

"Your grandfather?" you ask.

"And he loved her more than life itself. But they were from different worlds and couldn't be together."

"But why not?" you asked confused, "If they loved each other...why couldn't that be enough?"

"Classes, social statuses. He was a rich man, came from a rich family, for goodness sake this is where he lived" Bucky says, gesturing to the grand room they're in, "And she was a baker. Who got up at the crack of dawn every morning, who lived in a small flat above her shop. They were just too different."

"So that's what was keeping them apart? Money? Why does that matter?" you ask, suddenly furious.

"People expected him to marry someone of his status. If people were to talk-"

"Then let them talk!" you interrupted him, "Who cares. If they love each other, that should be enough."

"You shouldn't be here James."

"Why not?"

"You know why."

"I just missed you, is all."

"Yes well, I'm sure you could miss me just fine from home."


"What James? This is what you want, right?"

"No! Of course this isn't what I want. I want you. I want to be with you. You know that. But Jo, the things they're saying about you. It's not right. And we haven't even started courting yet! Imagine what they would say about us then!"

"I wouldn't care!" Josephine shouts annoyed.

"You wouldn't care?" he repeats, not believing her.

"I wouldn't care because I would have you. Being loved by you would make it all worth it."


"I don't care that they call me a gold digger, or your whore, James. I know that isn't true. As do you. And that's all that matters. Me and you."

"If we do this, if I start courting you properly, we're going to make some people very angry. They're going to be mean. People are going to talk, Josephine."

"Then let them talk, James. We love each other. That should be all that matters. That should be enough."

"It is enough," James says, holding her close and pressing a kiss atop her head, "you are enough."

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