-Ponyboy: Mr. Syme's Project-

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May's POV

Reading is one the only things that keeps me calm. I go quite often to the library to find a new release or maybe reread a book that brought me joy. The one thing I hate about the Library is when I have to go to do a project with someone. The rage that fills me when they don't do any of the work and I do all of it. I was paired up with Brandon Prince. The most annoying kid in school. We were doing a project on a book we were reading in class, To Kill A Mockingbird I was writing and revising everything and Brandon was sitting in the desk playing with some paper. I was about to crack with rage. I looked up from my paper to see other kids in my class also doing the project here. I saw some popular kids messing around and some quiet kids doing the project by themselves. I knew I should have picked doing the project by my self. I was gambling being paired with an annoying kid. I then looked around to see another kid in my class, Ponyboy Curtis. He was near the back of the library and was with his partner. She was clearly not doing any of her work aswell. Ponyboy was extremely annoyed due to the sour look on his face. When he saw me looking at him, he nodded his head towards the girl and rolled his eyes. I laughed a little bit

"Hey, are you going to finish writing this paper, I have somewhere to be," Brandon said shoving my shoulder after noticing me laughing.

"Maybe if you did some of the work," I whispered under my breath.

"What did you say to me?" He asked, his face turning bright red. I guess I said it louder then intended.

"Nothing," I said hoping he wouldn't cause a scene.

"No what did you say to me?" He said getting up. I was frozen. I felt sick. I needed to make my point out.

"I said," I said getting up. "You need to start pulling your load in this project,"

"Or what?" He asked getting closer to my face.

"I will tell Mr. Syme you didn't do any of the work," I said confidently. When he laughed, I felt like I was a tattle tail, but I didn't show it and looked at him dead in the face, once he saw I wasn't joking, he took the papers from the table and threw them onto the floor, making them scatter all around the library floor.

"Mr. Prince, I am kindly asking you to leave the Library at once," the librarian said coming out of the bookcase behind Brandon.

Brandon looked at me and then the librarian. Once he knew he wasn't going to get out of it, he grabbed his backpack and stomped out of the library. I bent down and started picking up the papers. I was picking them up and putting them into order again and saw a shadow loom over me and then bend down next to me. I looked and saw it was Ponyboy.

"Oh, thank you," I whispered.

"Of course, I saw how you handled the situation, you are very brave for saying that, especially towards Brandon?" He whispered back to me handing me the rest of my papers.

"Yeah, I was so sick of it anyway," I said standing back up and putting the pile of papers on the table.

He stood there for a few seconds looking like he was going to ask something.

"Wanna be partners for the project?" He asked me.

"Huh? Mr Syme gave us our partners plus you have your partner," I said.

"I can tell him she doesn't do any work, plus, I don't think Brandon will be coming back, we can just switch and combine our work," he said smiling at me.

"Sure," I said.

"Hold on a second," he said walking over to his table and whispering something to the girl. She sighed and nodded her head and got up with her stuff and left. Ponyboy grabbed his stuff and walked back over to my table.

"What did you say to her?" I asked.

"She is better off working with Brandon," he said laughing a little.

"You did not," I gasped.

"Oh yes I did," he said pulling out his pencil. "Anyway, what did you write down, so we can compare and combine them,"

"Uhhh yes," I said. For about 15 minutes we found things in eachothers papers and combined them buy crossing things out and rewriting some things.

" I think we are done," I said after a while.

"Oh, that went by very fast," he said. I nodded in agreement.

"It was nice of you to help me with the project," I said packing up my stuff.

"Eh it was nothing, you wanna do this again?" He asked.

"Like, a project?" I asked confused.

"No like, hang out" He said running his hands through his hair.

"Like a date?" I asked trying to mess with him.

"If you want it to be," he smiled.

"Sure, let's make it a date," I smiled back.

"Ok, the dingo, 7 o'clock tomorrow night," he said.

"Ok, you better be there," I waved to him as I walked towards the exit of the library.

I take it back, I like the Library for the new releases, rereading, and studying with Ponyboy.

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