Chapter 17

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It was 11:45 PM.

Everyone was asleep... Well, except me. I looked at the large clock in the middle of the dormitory. 11:46. I quietly shifted in my bed to face the wall. I wasn't sure why Harry had told me to go to the library, but one thing was certain. I was going.

Ever since I was a baby I've always had a knack for mischief. If someone was keeping something from me I always figured it out. I was a very curious kid. Always wanted to go everywhere. One day when I was 5 I overheard my parents talking at nighttime. They had said something about a secret and how they were to go to the park across the street. Of course, I followed them. That was when I had first seen magic up close. Now, I was a five-year-old baby, so I didn't think much of it. Until I learned about witches and wizards. That was when it all clicked. I saw a man appear out of thin air in front of my parents. He said something to them and then, just like the man, they disappeared out of nowhere. I ran all the way home thinking my parents were never coming back and ran straight to my room. I cried for 10 minutes, but when I went back downstairs they were sitting on the couch like they had never left.

I watched the clock turn to 11:50. I quietly got up making sure not to wake anyone. I wrapped myself in a white blanket and quietly walked down the steps to the common room. 11:52 the clock in the center of the common room read.

Right before I exited the common room I quickly grabbed a candle. I shuffled out of the room and walked past a dark corridor

"Incendio" I whispered, pointing my wand at the candle.

Almost immediately the candle lit up. I quietly made my way to the library trying not to grab attention from the portraits hanging up on the walls.

By the time I made it in front of the library it was 11:57. Right as I put my candle down I heard three voices behind me. Quickly I blew out the candle and ducked behind a column.

"shh! You're going to wake someone" I heard a familiar voice say.

"She should be here in... three minutes." Yet another familiar voice.

I revealed myself from behind the column. "I'm right here guys"

"Bloody hell! You almost scared me to death" Ron exclaimed.

"Shh!" Harry, Hermione, and I said at the same time.

"Honestly Ron you're going to wake someone. Now, why am I here?" I looked around the dark library.

Ron looked at Harry and Hermione. They all smiled excitedly except for Hermione.

"Well?" I said waiting for an explanation.

"How do you feel about some midnight flying? You know, just us?" Harry smiled.

"Well that's hardly even responsible" I raised an eyebrow. "But I mean, come on. Lets do it."

Harry and Ron smiled at each other. We all ran down to the quidditch pitch quietly. When we got there, we took some of the school brooms.

I immediately lifted my feet from the ground and soared into the sky.

"Well come on you guys" I heard Harry say.

"But me and Ron don't even know how to fly." Hermione whined.

I swooped down. "Not a problem. Ron get on with Harry, Hermione get on mine."

"But what if we get caught?" Hermione looked around worriedly.

"Don't worry. We won't," I smirked, "now come on."

Hermione got on behind me and almost immediately we took off into the sky.

"Woah!" Hermione exclaimed as we soared around the school.

"It's beautiful." I sighed.

We flew around for about 30 minutes calming our nerves for the big game tomorrow.


"So... how's being a Ravenclaw?" Hermione asked. She was sitting on a branch of a tree that was abnormally large. Her legs dangled above my head.

"I'm not sure yet... It's only barely been a day" I twisted a blade of grass in between my thumb and forefinger.

I looked next to me at Ron who was laying down under the tree staring at the stars, then at Harry who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"What time is it?" I looked up at Hermione.

"Uhh... Almost 12:50" Ron said checking his wristwatch.

"Well shit time really just sped by didn't it." I got up and brushed all the grass and dirt off of the white blanket I had been sitting on. "We best go inside before someone catches us."

Hermione jumped off the branch on the tree and landed on a stick causing it to snap in half.

"Hermione! Be more careful you might wake someone." I scolded her.

"Sorry." She looked at me apologetically before helping Ron up. "I suppose you'll be heading back to you own common room now?" Hermione looked back at me.

"Yeah. I'm getting quite tired." I yawned and looked at Harry who had fallen asleep and was resting his head against the tree. "I'm not helping you with that though." I pointed at a snoring Harry.

"See you guys." I whisper yelled from behind my shoulder as went inside the school s quickly and quietly as possible. I walked through the empty dark halls not focused on anything besides my friends.

When I finally got to my common room I sneaked upstairs to unsurprisingly find everyone still asleep. I laid on my bed and as I drifted off to sleep the events of that night replayed in my head. That night, I fell asleep with a slight smile plastered on my face.

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