One minute he said as turned away and pulled out his phone from his pant and type into it while blinking back his tears.

"Let's go it's getting late" Louis said tossing Zuriel an helmet,she caught it but fumbled with it and it fell on the ground ,with an embarrassed chuckle she bent down and retrieved it.

"Hop on" Louis said patting on the space behind him. But she didn't and kept on staring at the bike like a strange item for she couldn't remember when last she had been driven on something like this and this particular small one scared her.

"I will go slow" Louis said understanding her fear.

For a while she stood still observing the item,wondering if the seat Wasn't quite small for two,but later she decided to go for it and later climb on with much struggle earning a giggle from Louis. They kick off when she finally balance at the machine.

Aunt Doreen was just entering the hospital gate when she got a message from her son that he had Zuriel and they will be home soon. She gave orders to the driver and he reversed and headed back to the house.

"Zuriel, ooh my God are you fine,are you okay?" Aunt Doreen ask rushing towards Zuriel and Louis as they made their way into the large living room.

Zuriel nodded furiously,not wanting the old lady to worry sick about her, but the older woman seems not to buy her response as she twirl her left and right looking for any sign of ill health but found none.

With a hand placed on her chest she heaved a sigh of relief as she let Zuriel off her hands.
She glared at her son who was standing behind Zuriel. With a childish grin Louis took a step back.

"I found her" he said with uncertainty laced in his voice but for a while his mother said nothing instead she ogle at him with so much disapproval.

"And you disobeyed" Doreen finally said.

"I asked if I could come with and your response was " no" you didn't say I couldn't leave the house " Louis said as an excuse for his act.

"Trying to use my words against me......?" His mom said as her lips stretch into an almost invisible smile that one will pass for a smirk.

Her words caused Louis to shrug nonchalantly as he balanced himself on one of the couches.

"Go and freshen up and then come back down dinner" Doreen said to Zuriel but she shook her head in response while rubbing her stomach to indicate she was full.

Aunt Doreen understanding her gesture took zuriel's small slender hands in her plumb once and for a while she stared at the young woman full of pity and guilt while rubbing the back of her hands with her thumb at that moment Doreen didn't know the right words to comfort the woman all she could do was stare with pain filled eyes as a lump rose to her throat.
Finally she let go and pulled Zuriel into her embrace as a means to comfort her Zuriel on the other hand wasn't ignorant of the older woman inner battle and she so wished she could rid her of them.

After so much thoughts hours ago she did decided to be positive and always find a means to smile admix danger moreover all this were another phase of life she had to pass.

She wrapped her hands around Doreen and rested her head-on the short woman hair enjoying the warmth the lady's body provide.
Disintegrating from each other arms,the older lady stared at Zuriel with an award winning smile on her face.

"You should go rest but if you feel hungry you could come out and have dinner with us" she said her eyes turning watery,she sniff and looked away and with her head nodded that Zuriel could leave.

Zuriel heart couldn't help but swell,she was happy that she had someone who cared unconditionally for her though at the same time felt bad for causing the old woman tears.

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