Chap. 9 Your what I've been searching for

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Please listen to the song with this! It's beautiful! Towards the end of the song is where I think they would kiss. Thanks!

Hiccup's POV

I couldn't get Anna off my mind! I'd tried so hard to, but failed each time. I shouldn't feel this way. I'm not exactly sure what I'm feeling, but I don't like it. Yet, I do at the exact time. I was busy helping Gobber make some weapons. He was talking, but I wasn't listening. Until he slapped me upside the head.

"Owww! Gobber!" I hollered.

"I had to get your attention somehow! I kept saying your name, and waving my hand in your face! But, you wouldn't pay attention" Gobber exclaimed.

"Sorry Gobber. I'm just.....I have a lot on my mind right now" I responded, rubbing my head.

"It would seem so. What's the problem, lad?" He asked.

"It's.....not east to talk about."

"So? Tell me anyway."

"I think.....I'm falling for someone. But, that someone, is already betrothed. Also, I dint think they like me back. What should I do?" I asked.

Gobber got silent for a moment. He pulled on his mustache, twirling it slightly. After a minute, he came up with something.

"I've got an idea. Valka!" He called out.

My mom had been busy taking care if an injured Dragon. She finished real quick, then walked up.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Your boy here is in love. But he can't tell the girl. Got any advice for him?"

"I never said I was in love, Gobber" I argued.

"Well, how does this girl make you feel? Do you think she's pretty? Do you feel strange or nervous around her?" Mom asked.

I gave mom as many details as possible. By the end if my description, Gobber and mom were grinning. Toothless was as well.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Gobber was right. Your in love! Head over heels if you ask me" She said, winking.

I blushed, causing her and Gobber to laugh. They both told me I should confess how I felt. That I needed to be honest, even if she didn't feel the same way. I nodded, thanking them for their help. I mounted Toothless, and took off. He landed on a tree in he royal garden's. I happened to spot a familiar snowman.

"What's happening, Olaf?" I asked.

He jumped at the sound it my voice. He lifted his head up and smiled widely.

"Hey, Hiccup! How's it going!?" He asked.

I told him I was as fine, and what I was there for. He was super excited. But soon, his smile faded away.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm real glad you came. I have some serious news."

Me and Toothless looked at each other, then allowed him to speak.

"The other day, Anna was trying on her wedding dress. While doing such, I noticed a big purple spot on her neck. I asked her what it was, but she said it was only cause she slept wrong. I thought she was being honest, until yesterday. While I was in the garden, I spotted Hans and Anna arguing. While doing such....... Hans....slapped her. She didn't fight back, and Hans just walked away. She's being abused! Hans is getting worse and worse to her every day! She needs your help, so please give it!" Olaf exclaimed, waving his stick hands dramatically.

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